Custom object with global variable in object property will call wrong profile

Hi, I have a custom object with a global variable in the
Objects property. Written as the Following:

myTestObject = new TestObject(‘customObject’)

myTestObject.addProperty(‘text’, ConditionType.EQUALS, “$GlobalVariable.EventName”)

I have 3 different profiles (default, stage, test) that all contain the same
global variable “EventName”

When I execute the test case on Stage or test profile, the test case only references
the globalVariable.EventName from the default profile instead of Stage or Test

Is this bug in katalon or is there something I’m missing? Obviously when run my
testcase on stage I want my custom object to call the global.variableEventName from the
Stage profile instead of the default profile.

I think this has been reported as a bug - I checked the bug forum but didn’t see it.

I think the fix in version 5.5 may help too - what version of Katalon do you have?

Russ Thomas said:

I think this has been reported as a bug - I checked the bug forum but didn’t see it.

I think the fix in version 5.5 may help too - what version of Katalon do you have?

Version: 5.5.0

Report a bug.

Russ Thomas said:

I think this has been reported as a bug - I checked the bug forum but didn’t see it.

Looks similar to the following issue

16316 has not been recorded as a bug, no fix announced yet.


Are you experiencing the problem when you run your test suite from Console? If so your issue seems to duplicate with the previous issue 16316. If you experience the problem when you run in the GUI, then your problem would be new. Which?

kazurayam said:

Russ Thomas said:

I think this has been reported as a bug - I checked the bug forum but didn’t see it.

Looks similar to the following issue

16316 has not been recorded as a bug, no fix announced yet.

Thanks kazurayam, after reading through, i used to the solution to delete the GlobalVariable.class in (\bin\lib\internal\GlobalVariable.class). So far all my global variables seem to reference the right profile now.