Compare web service response against the web

I am new to web API testing. Is there a way to compare the results from the web service call and the results shown in the web site in Katalon Studio

Hi Gowri,

I think you have to do it manually. Get web element, parse your API response to get object you need and compare them in your test.

Katalon Studio supports creating UI and API tests in the same test case, so it is possible to compare the results from the web service call and the results in the web site. Here are instructions on how to do that with Katalon Studio:
- Send a request to a web services and then store the response into a variable. You can also parse the response into the data structure that you are familiar with.
- Use UI steps to open the web page where you want to verify the data.
- Read all the information displayed in the web sites, store all the information into a variable, or parse them into the data structure that is easy to compare with data in the web service response.
- Perform the compare to decide if the data is displayed correct or not.

Hope that it helps.

do you have a simple sample project to do that?