Command line execution failed can not go to blank url


I am running version 6.3.3. studio and the test suite is fine. when I use the command line interface mac os - terminal - bin/sh in:

Katalon\ --args -noSplash -runMode=console -consoleLog -projectPath=“/Users/waikisin/KprojProd/rabcdploy.prj/Data-driven Tests with Katalon Studio.prj” -retry=0 -testSuiteCollectionPath=“Test Suites/Econsult Actions - Chrome” -apiKey=9084e9a7-71dc-429a-9cbsss

fails open the browser and going to the correct url. it just started to happen.
is there an issue with version 6.3.3

I open the studio and run the test suite is fine.
any ideas.


logfile attached from error.

logfilekatalonstudioexecution.txt (97.9 KB)

I reinstall with version 632 and it worked. Please test v633 if it works with command line execution. I dont think it does.