Click a item in a drop-down list, report: Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: element not interactable

In my test case,when click a item in a drop-down list, report error, report a error:
Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: element not interactable
But this item can be located.

This item object is like following:

Part html script including this item is following:

Test case inlucding clicking this item is following:

Our web application front end framework using VUE framework technology.

Try waiting until the element is ready. Use waitForElementVisible()

Hello qsw,
I had a similar issue not with a drop down list but with a menu. I was unable to click on elements of the menu that were hide into the submenu list. I wrote a script that use mouseOver() to make element visible then to click on it, it solve my problem. May be could help you? :thinking:

Moved this out of the Bug Reports category, FYI.

I try this keyword, it doesn’t work.

I try to moveOver(), then click, it still doesn’t work.

running log is like following:

Hi @qsw

Try using WaitForElementClickable keyword too. Is the error the same even after you use WaitForElementVisible and WaitForElementClickable ? If that’s the case I’d recommend checking with the development team too see if there’s anything running behind that dropdown.


Hi @ThanhTo
I try WaitForElementClickable , it still not work.
And I have talked with developer, no valuable info.

Our web application front end framework use VUE.
Can katalon support VUE framework?