Chrome- pdf file opening in new tab instead of being downloaded

Hello team,
I need to configure chrome to not open a new pdf in a new tab. I need it to download it. Probably, I’m looking at enabling the “Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome” setting in chrome browser while using katalon (screenshot attached)

Is there a way to add this setting in desired capabilities in katalon settings ? or is there another way to add this setting in katalon ?


Hi Gurleen… Did you get a solution to this question? Even I am looking for a way around this.


Hey, yes i got a solution. Try adding this parameter in Project settings → Desired capabilities → WebUI ->Chrome

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I have solved my issue by turning Off Make searches and browsing better option.

thanks that helped me solve my issues, was searching for a solution like mad since 2 weeks.
Thanks a ton. :slight_smile:

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