Cannot test failed logins

Hello, I’m an old Selenium IDE user and new to Katalon. I’m trying to run a test where a user attempts to login to a web page. First with no username or password then with the wrong username and password then finally with the correct credentials.

In Selenium IDE I could test for all three and verify the verification text on the failed attempts. However, when I attempt this in Katalon the final click (button) to login does not login the user in.

If I strip out the failed attempts and just test a straight login then all works fine. But I still need to test to ensue that failed attempts are handled correctly. Can this be done in Katalon?

Hi David Eckert,

When you say that "However, when I attempt this in Katalon the final click (button) to login does not login the user in. ", can you help to elaborate about this issue?

please im facing the same issue im trying to validate the wrong messages how can i do that given i prepared the data driven file but how to validate when wrong email or password or both is entered ?

What is supposed to happen on a failed login attempt?
Is there specific text you can look for?
Are you taken to a different kind of page?

You can check to see if certain text is present. You can verify if certain buttons or other elements are present. But you will need to give more details on what happens with the failed login and what you want to verify against.