Can Katalon Studio Enterprise projects be used in Katalon Studio? Can Katalon Studio projects be used in Katalon Studio Enterprise?

Hi everyone!

Could you please help me out by answering the following questions

  1. Can projects developed in Katalon Studio Enterprise be used in Katalon Studio?

  2. Can projects developed in Katalon Studio be used in Katalon Studio Enterprise?


1.) Yes
2.) Yes

There are really only feature differences between the two. Any code you write would be compatible with either version though.

Thank you Brandon. Does it mean that, if I develop a project in KSE, put it to GitHub, get it from GitHub, open it in KS, I’ll be able to continue on the project in KS without any limitations? Thanks.

Yes. In fact, all of our projects are repo’d with Git, and we have a number of users that each work on the project using different KS/KSE versions etc. without a problem. If you need a good .gitignore I’d be happy to share ours. The only “limitations” would be feature diffs between KS and KSE, but these have nothing to do with your project code.

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