Applitools integration

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

When installing the plugin there is no section in Plugin to configure the Applitools information as shown in the screenshots.

Has anyone been able to get this section to show as it does in the screenshots?

Dear @Jessica_Mosley1,

What’s Katalon Studio version you are using?

This plugin is compatible with Katalon Studio version 6.1.2 or later as mentioned in the plugin description.
Moreover, Katalon Studio version 6.1.2 has not been officially released but available as a Beta version here.

Please let us know if you still experience the problem with the 6.1.2 version.

Thanks and Best regards,
Dung Ngo


I was still having the issue with the update but it looked like the plugin was not installing due to another plugin. It was causing an error of reloading plugins. Once I uninstalled the plugin, the settings appeared.


Thank you so muc @Jessica_Mosley1. Could you please tell us the plugin that was uninstalled? Also if possible please try reinstalling it and let us know if the conflict prevails.


WebSocket Connect Custom Keywords was the plugin I uninstalled.

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Hello Katalon Dev Team,

This plugin was free yesterday but today it is a paid one.

Did I missed the chance by not installing when it was free ? I read it was meant for Katalon Studio 6.1.2 and I was on 6.1.0


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@manpreet.mukkar It was meant to be a paid plugin. There was a webinar explaining the process for this plugin and another plugin allowing for the implementation of AI technology in Katalon.


@Jessica_Mosley1 Thanks, I will wait for the recording of that webinar, I signed up for that but wasn’t able to attend it.

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@Jessica_Mosley1 Hi! Is there any link to the recording of the webinar please?

Is the applitools plugin working for mobile screenshots? also how long does the free to try last?

Hey guys,
I’ve installed Applitools Integration plugin for Katalon Studio and wrote sime test below. When executing test I’ve got “Driver is not a RemoteWebDriver (com.kms.katalon.core.webui.driver.SmartWaitWebDriver)” error. Does anybody know how to fix this?

11-14-2019 04:54:25 PM com.kms.katalon.keyword.applitools.BasicKeywords.checkWindow(“CheckPoint1”)

Elapsed time: 0.355s

Driver is not a RemoteWebDriver (com.kms.katalon.core.webui.driver.SmartWaitWebDriver)


Any update on the above issue?

Cast Katalon’s WebDriver into EventFiringWebDriver and Get the driver wrapped inside and then Cast the wrapped driver into RemoteWebDriver



Eyes eyes = new Eyes()

eyes.setApiKey('Insert Your API KEY')

WebDriver innerDriver = DriverFactory.getWebDriver() as EventFiringWebDriver).getWrappedDriver()) as RemoteWebDriver), 'katalon', 'Test')




Cast Katalon’s WebDriver into EventFiringWebDriver and Get the driver wrapped inside and then Cast the wrapped driver into RemoteWebDriver


Eyes eyes = new Eyes()

eyes.setApiKey('Insert Your API KEY')

WebDriver innerDriver = DriverFactory.getWebDriver() as EventFiringWebDriver).getWrappedDriver()) as RemoteWebDriver), 'katalon', 'Test')



I am confused on this. Is this plugin a free plugin or does it require a paid Katalon Studio Enterprise subscription?

I’ve installed this pluggin but it’s not reloading in katalon studio (version 7.9). Can anyone please suggest a possible solution to integrate applitool with katalon.?


From 7.6 onwards , Applitools Integration becomes a built-in Katalon Studio Enterprise feature.
