About the Archive category

Any old, inactive topics (little to no likes, replies, views, or solution marks) will be moved here. It’s locked down so you can’t create, edit, or reply to topics here.

To keep our Community Forum tidy, we’ll be performing periodic clean-up of all topics and relocate them here so that you’ll always have access to the most up-to-date and relevant information.

If in case we happen to archive your topics by mistake, or that you wish to keep them as they are, follow the steps below to flag your chosen for our review

Step 1: Click on the :black_flag: Flag at the bottom of the topic.

Step 2: On the popup that appears, choose ‘It’s something else’, and enter your message to our team to as why you’d like to move your chosen topic out of the Archive.

Step 3: Click Message and our team will get right on it!