I am working to run GET and POST call setup for Salesforce using Katalon. I successfully got the Token and passed it to the GET method that take the Record Id and bring back the JSON response. This is all working fine. Now when i run the POST call i am getting the 401 Unauthorize error message and i was not able to resolve it. Here is my code for the POST call and its response.
class CRUDOperation {
final static String queryPath = "/services/data/v49.0/query/";
final static CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
final static ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper().enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT);
private static String REST_ENDPOINT = "/services/data" ;
private static String API_VERSION = "/v49.0" ;
public static Map<String, String> SFTokenandInstanceURL;
public static String SFDCId;
public static String instanceUrl, accessToken ;
public static JSONObject leadDataAPI = new JSONObject();
private static Map<String, String> lead = new HashMap<String, String>()
public static Header prettyPrintHeader = new BasicHeader("X-PrettyPrint", "1");
private static Header oauthHeader;
private static leadId;
public static JSONObject createLead() throws Exception {
SFTokenandInstanceURL = GetSFToken.getSFToken();
instanceUrl = (String) SFTokenandInstanceURL.get("instanceURL");
accessToken = (String) SFTokenandInstanceURL.get("accessToken");
//This is fake data
String leadId = null;
String firstName = "John" ;
String lastName = "Zolensky";
String email = "John.Zolensky@icbm.com";
String city = "Chicago";
String postalcode = "61616" ;
String state = "Illinois";
String mobilephone = "1773219087";
String phone = "3134520098";
String title = "Developer";
String website = "www.icbm.com";
String street = "9873 N Pima Rd";
String company = "Somoto";
try {
lead.put("FirstName", firstName);
lead.put("LastName", lastName);
lead.put("Email", email);
lead.put("City", city);
lead.put("PostalCode", postalcode);
lead.put("State", state);
lead.put("MobilePhone", mobilephone);
lead.put("Phone", phone);
lead.put("Title", title);
lead.put("Website", website);
lead.put("Street", street);
lead.put("Company", company)
catch (JSONException e) {
e.printStackTrace();throw new ServletException(e);
HttpPost httpost = new HttpPost(instanceUrl+ REST_ENDPOINT+ API_VERSION +"/sobjects/Lead");
httpost.addHeader("Authorization", "OAuth" + accessToken);
StringEntity messageEntity = new StringEntity( lead.toString(), ContentType.create("application/json"));
// Execute the request.
CloseableHttpResponse closeableresponse = httpclient.execute(httpost);
println("Response Status line :" + closeableresponse.getStatusLine());
try {
println("HTTP status : " + closeableresponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
if (closeableresponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED) {
try {
System.out.println("Record created successfully and here is the Response.............\n\n ");
// Do the needful with entity.
HttpEntity entity = closeableresponse.getEntity();
InputStream rstream = entity.getContent();
JSONObject authResponse = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(rstream));
println("Create response: " + authResponse.toString(2));
if (authResponse.getBoolean("success")) {
leadId = authResponse.getString("id");
println("New record id " + leadId + "\n\n");
leadDataAPI.put("leadSFDCId", leadId);
} catch (JSONException e) {
finally {
return leadDataAPI;
2024-09-15 22:12:18.908 INFO c.k.katalon.core.main.TestCaseExecutor - --------------------
2024-09-15 22:12:18.912 INFO c.k.katalon.core.main.TestCaseExecutor - START Test Cases/Test
2024-09-15 22:12:19.281 DEBUG testcase.Test - 1: salesforceAPI.CRUDOperation.createLead()
Response Status line :HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
HTTP status : 401
2024-09-15 22:12:22.711 INFO k.k.c.m.CustomKeywordDelegatingMetaClass - salesforceAPI.CRUDOperation.createLead is PASSED
2024-09-15 22:12:22.726 INFO c.k.katalon.core.main.TestCaseExecutor - END Test Cases/Test