What exactly is "Default wait for element timeout (in seconds) " (in the Settings) and how exactly does it work?


What exactly is “Default wait for element timeout (in seconds)” (in the Settings) and how exactly does it work?

Is this exactly the same as ImplicitWait in Selenium? For example, if it’s set to 10 seconds, would Katalon wait for the PRESENCE of the element for UP TO 10 seconds (CHECKING for its presence every 500 milliseconds)? Thanks.

As per https://docs.katalon.com/katalon-studio/docs/execution-settings.html#default-execution-settings,

Default wait for element timeout : The default timeout period (in seconds) that Katalon Studio waits for the application under test to be loaded when executing automation test.

but it’s not clear how exactly it works.

As far as I know, you are correct in your assumption: it is the same as an implicit wait in selenium. I believe the default is 30 seconds. The main purpose however is to provide a default timeout for WebUI methods that do not take an explicit timeout argument, such as WebUI.click().

Thank you Brandon.

The main reason for my question was to make sure that if “Default wait for element timeout (in seconds)” is set to 10 seconds (for example), Katalon will be checking for its presence (for example, every 500 millisecond) and if the element is available after 2 seconds (for example) of waiting, Katalon WILL NOT be waiting 8 more seconds. That’s how ImplicitWait works in Selenium. If it = 10 seconds, it will wait UP TO 10 seconds (though some people don’t know this and think that Selenium will be waiting EXACTLY 10 second)

This is correct. And I agree, the wording of that setting isn’t very clear. Ideally, it should say something like “Default maximum wait for element timeout (in seconds)”. At the end of the day, that’s what a timeout essentially is, but I can see where that might be confusing.

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