webui.autoUpdateDrivers=true is not working

webui.autoUpdateDrivers=true doesn’t seem to be working. My Jenkins job (it uses Katalon Plugin) started failing in my local Jenkins even though webui.autoUpdateDrivers=true is used. After I manually put the latest Chrome driver in the corresponding Jenkins folder, the issue has been resolved.

The problem is that I cannot do it manually in our production environment . My expectations were that with webui.autoUpdateDrivers=true, the latest version of the driver (at least for Chrome) would be downloaded and used. Was it too much to expect?


He reports -webui.autoUpdateDrivers=true option of KRE does not work.

Any comment?

I think that KRE should have a separated mode “AutoUpdate WebDrivers mode” apart from “Test Execution mode”.


Thank you for your report, let me see if we can reproduce this consistently. What’s the version of Runtime Engine and of the old (and new) Chrome Driver ?

It didn’t work (and the browser wasn’t updated either even though webui.autoUpdateDrivers=true was used) for version 7.8.0 in Jenkins (with Katalon Plugin), so I just used the driver I had in my Katalon Studio (7.8.0):

and it helped. The Driver versions:


Then I tried to use 7.8.2 in Jenkins (with Katalon Plugin) and it didn’t work (and the browser wasn’t updated either even though webui.autoUpdateDrivers=true was used)

So, I got the driver from the version 7.9.1

and it helped. The Driver versions: