Export console

Hi all, I want to ask you about report in Katalon.
I know Katalon provide a feature about reports. But the one I want to ask, is it possible to exporting console result?
I mean, I have a lot things to do in my test case, and the console in the end of the test case is not full from the beginning (just from the middle of test case to the end, which is I get with copy paste the result). I want to know, is it possible to get the whole result from the console beside from the report feature itself?

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@Vinh Nguyen
Hi Vinh, i’ve found this link http://forum.katalon.com/discussion/4523/console-log-output and you said that " there is .log file in generated test suite report folder as well as
other log files within this folder. This .log file contains the same
information from console mode output"
I want to ask you how to generated this kind of report? I couldn’t find any .log extension of generated report from my test suite execution.

*for the information, I’ve solved the console output report by disabling limit output from setting. Now i want to know how to generated that .log report, is there any setting to it?

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@Willis Williandy can you give a screen shot or path of where you found this setting to “disabling limit output”? I’m having the same issue.

Galina_Moore, see the link below to change the console buffer size.

Increasing Console Log - Katalon Studio / Web Testing - Katalon Community