Why a 500 error at the end of the run?

  • Katalon Studio Version: 7.5.10
  • OS Version: Linux
  • Browser Version: N/A

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Run the APIs suite using a jenkins job
  2. See the following error at the end of the run:

[2020-07-08T21:40:15.469] Katalon TestOps: Unexpected response, URL: https://analytics.katalon.com/api/v1/license-keys/release?machineKey=4765559c1d5252c08db5176f6c2a724b&ksVersion=7.5.5&sessionId=e28537f9-0604-4ebc-8b23-daca29aeebe5&package=ENGINE&organizationId=44364, Status: 500, Response: {“timestamp”:“2020-07-08T21:40:15.465+0000”,“status”:500,“error”:“Internal Server Error”,“message”:“No message available”,“trace”:"java.lang.NullPointerException\n\tat com.katalon.kit.helper.DateHelper.getDuration(DateHelper.java:39)\n\tat com.katalon.kit.core.service.KsSessionService.endSession(KsSessionService.java:83)\n\tat com.katalon.kit.core.service.KsSessionService.endSession(KsSessionService.java:69)\n\tat com.katalon.kit.api.service.LicenseKeyResourceService.releaseLicense(LicenseKeyResourceService.java:618)

[2020-07-08T21:40:15.478] com.kms.katalon.integration.analytics.exceptions.AnalyticsApiExeception: {“timestamp”:“2020-07-08T21:40:15.465+0000”,“status”:500,“error”:“Internal Server Error”,“message”:“No message available”,“trace”:"java.lang.NullPointerException\n\tat com.katalon.kit.helper.DateHelper.getDuration(DateHelper.java:39)\n\tat

Expected behavior:
Get a green run - the test did finish and pass - I got the green report on the web: Katalon TestOps (not sure if you can access it…)


I have exactly the same problem.

I don’t know if it’s a network problem, because it doesn’t actually affect the execution of TestCase, so I’m not in a hurry.

For me, it’s also a recent issue and it would not be a problem if I was able to get a green light on my build. The issue is that it get reported as an error and we do get a RED false positive in the build - not good as it will make it harder to complain the next time there is a true regression and we do not look into it for days…