When I use Katalon Recorder, how to export the whold project including Profiles?

Hi all,
When I want to export the whole project, how should I do?

Currently, I can only export the test suite and data files

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Welcome to our community. I cannot find any information relating to this, I guess that we only can export the data as Export test projects from Katalon Recorder | Katalon Docs

I want to export the global variable together with the test suite, how do I achieve that?

If you go to the menu attached (via the three dots) to the right hand side of the profile you can save it via the download option and then import it into the new installation of KAR.

One important tip, make sure it’s not marked as the default profile before saving, otherwise you’ll have issues importing it (KAR will only let you have one ‘default’ profile at a time).

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