What do you need help withUnable to navigate to authenticated page (Root cause: java.lang.Exception: Failed to set user name on Authentication dialog: Object ‘TxtUserName’ is not found


I am 1st time user of this tool. I am trying to do a simple login test and am getting the error message below.

I've followed the example in the tutorial but can't figure out what else is needed to get past this error message. I do have the "txt_UserName" set to the ID that I expect to log in with.

Error message:

Unable to navigate to authenticated page (Root cause: java.lang.Exception: Failed to set user name on Authentication dialog: Object 'TxtUserName' is not found



Hi there,

I’ve received your email address the issue. After reading through it, I can see the root cause because the xpath used for ‘text_login_name’ is incorrect:

[FAILED] - Unable to click on object 'Object Repository/text_login_name' (Root cause: com.kms.katalon.core.webui.exception.WebElementNotFoundException: Web element with id: 'Object Repository/text_login_name' located by 'By.xpath: //*[@test_login_name = 'racquetballplayer66']' not found)

I assume object'text_login_name' is the login textbox, right? In that case, the xpath is wrong and you have to correct it.

The correct xpath of login field should be //*[@id="login-username"]for https://login.yahoo.com/ page. Please try to use that xpath for ‘text_login_name’ object and try again.


Hi there,

Can you show me your script? That error indicate ‘Username’ field on Authentication dialog is not found.I assume you use ‘Authenticate’ keyword in this case. This keyword will only work on native Windows authentication popup. You should try to use ‘Set Text’ instead on username and password fields, then ‘Click’ on Login button to login.

Please refer to sample Web Testing project in Katalon Studio with test case: Test Cases/Main Test Cases/TC1_Verify Successful Login
