[WebUI] Take Screenshot


Are you using MacOS Catalina (current version)?
Are you using a notebook type (MacBook, MacBook Air)

using 2nd Display device

I am not using 2nd Display Device.

it is impossible to scale the display to 100%. Therefore the screenshot taken on it becomes problematic.

I think so, because I get viewport by JS,
int viewportHeight = ((Number) js.executeScript(“return window.innerHeight”)).intValue()
int viewportWidth = ((Number) js.executeScript(“return window.innerWidth”)).intValue()

Which give different value according to page and screenshot function gives different value according to monitor resolution.

Thank you, @kowsalya

How to capture screen shots for continues screens and capture in word document.

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We are also looking for same functionality. To copy the screenshot captured in a test case execution into a word document.

without creating folder its not creating itself and also if i given folder screenshot not showing there also .where it storing in katalon mobile testing i used takescreenshot keyword

I have run into some issues using the takeScreenshot() method where the screenshots are coming out blank. They appear blank in reports and the folder where they are saved.
Has anybody encountered this issue before?

Hi @elliot.price, I’m experiencing the same thing. Were you able to get this resolved?