Visual Testing (image comparison) with Katalon Studio 7.8.0 and Katalon TestOps

Hi there,
Love this feature, think it has lots of potential and so far, for my minor use case (verifying a blob pdf view) it works great (Version 7.8.1).

However, 2 questions:

In my test I want to verify twice against the same baseline. So I have in my test check 1:

KeywordUtil.logInfo("1) Verify recap page (via elipsis action button) by visual testing = " + WebUI.takeScreenshotAsCheckpoint('blobVisualRecapPage', FailureHandling.CONTINUE_ON_FAILURE))

and somewhere later on check 2:

KeywordUtil.logInfo("2) Verify recap page (via recap page pdf button) by visual testing = " + WebUI.takeScreenshotAsCheckpoint('blobVisualRecapPage', FailureHandling.CONTINUE_ON_FAILURE))

However, in the executions view of the Visual Testing I only get to see 1 checkpoint!
Question one: I would expect to see 2 checkpoints, no?

Question two: If the screenshot does not match the baseline the test case itself will still pass. I presume because the actual verification happens only AFTER the test is finished and uploaded to the TestOps…
So we will have no failure in the test management executions, but we will have to monitor this in the visual testing executions. Isn’t there a way to make the test case fail in the test management executions, or make it at least visual over there?

Thanks in advance for any reply!