Verifytextpresent action

I thought it will be good to capture the success message for any validations

Sorry i don’t understand this :frowning: can you try to write it in some other way (write some example)

only reason why continue after FAIL is to revert some actions. otherwise you want to just FAIL and create BUG…

sorry… Let me explain you.

I am trying to save data and shows message “data saved successfully”… while scripting i had captured this message. While i am running, it shows an exception due to bug in the application… In this situation, i am expecting success message but an exception occurred. The next validation steps also will fail if no assert statement exists right?

I understand that in above case you can fail the step and stop the execution. but there might be scenario that there is no relation between failed step and the steps after that… In this case you may want to continue without assert statement. how to handle this?

in this case these are 2 different tests and should run separately

Andrej, thanks for answering all my questions…