Hi! I’m newbie of Katalon also their code.
I’m confused to make some script to validation some element. Hope anybody help me.
So, I’m wanna make validation for text ‘minimum 1 pcs’ with the number of items in the box ‘kuantiti’. I’m confused how to make the validation. Or anybody have other ways, can share them with me.
The only idea that I have is to parse out the “1” of the label and then use WebUI.greaterThanOrEqual(). I would start with using getAttribute() to get the value of the Kuantiti textbox:
kuantitiAmt = WebUI.getAttribute(findTestObject('kuantiti textbox'), "value")
Then, you likely have to get the label and parse out the “1” of the “1 pcs”.
pieceCounter = WebUI.getText(findTestObject('minimumLabel').split(':')[1].trim().substring(0,1)
WebUI.greaterThanOrEqual(kuantitiAmt as int, pieceCounter as int)
Edit: This assumes the label is 1 element and not 2 elements; “Minimum” being one and “1 pcs” being the other. You will have to get back to us if it is 2 elements or don’t use the “split(‘:’)”.
Hi! Thank u so much for your help but I’m sorry I don’t get the point here.
so here the script
kuantitiAmt = WebUI.getAttribute(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Pesanan/text_Minimum 1 pcs’), ‘1’)
pieceCounter = WebUI.getText((findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Pesanan/Box Qty’).split(‘:’)[1]).trim().substring(0, 1))
WebUI.GreaterThanOrEqual(((kuantitiAmt) as int), ((pieceCounter) as int))
I get error when they run start from kuantitiAmt = WebUI.getAttribute(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/Pesanan/text_Minimum 1 pcs’), ‘1’)
Then here the containt of the elemet
text_Minimum 1 pcs
Box Qty
You have reversed the elements that I used in my post above. The “kuantitiAmt” was supposed to be the textbox that displayed the 2 in your image above.
The label (span) element is the other item, that I called “pieceCounter”.
There is no value attribute of the span. So, your code will not work. There is a value attribute of the textbox; you are using it to find the textbox. Fix these two areas and try again…
Edit: Just a note that I think using the value attribute of the textbox is spurious because if you change it, then the element cannot be identified with your pathway.