Use of Test Case Tags during Execution


We can define a tag for a test case and based on that tag, we can filter and execute those tests only which have the mentioned tag(s).

In this document there is no mention of either we can use tags with test suite execution or test suite collection execution.

I have a test suite collection with many test suites and each test suite have some test cases marked with a particular tag i,e SmokeTesting.

I tried to run test suite collection in console mode with flag “-testCaseFlags=SmokeTesting” thinking that it will execute only those cases of a test cuite which have this tag value but it didn’t. It simply starts executing all the scritps in within a test suite.

If I execute a test suite with same flag then it work as it should be.

So can someone comfirm wheather “-testCaseFlags” flag is working in case of test suite collelction execution or only working in case of test suite execution?

Executing each test suite for the purpose of smoke testing (couple of test cases from each test suite) seems tedious to me.


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Hi - it looks like you’re using ‘flags’ instead of ‘tags’ in your command line arguments:
documentation gives an example:

In your command, add this argument:

In the command, you add this argument: testCaseTags="jan,feb".

Whereas you used: “-testCaseFlags=SmokeTesting” (note also where the quotation marks go)

You could also use Dynamic Test Suites (as a enterprise user), as another option