Unable to start application (was: How can I solve this issue?)

please give me solution if this ASAP.

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I found this similar discussion: SplashActivity_' never started - #5 by Aleksei - Support - Appium Discuss. Can you try it? Or please give your code if possible

Here is my code of katalon please have a look into it and give me a solution.

import static com.kms.katalon.core…txt (3.35 KB)

It looks like you used the Mobile recorder to make your script and didn’t spend any time to “fix” it. Looking at it, I didn’t get past the “timeOut” you have for all your statements. Have you ever been able to get much done in zero seconds? You can’t even snap your fingers in zero seconds. At least change the timeOut to 5, or 10. This is the time AFTER which your statement will fail. In your case, each line will fail immediately.
Same goes for all your statements, like the setText() too.

Info on Mobile Tap.