Unable to run test suite or test cases on Kobiton Device farm

Hello i am recieving the following error when i try to run the tests on the kobiton device farm.
04-10-2018 01:32:42 PM - [START] - Start Test Case : Test Cases/AL-339 - SmokeTest - TC.02
04-10-2018 01:32:42 PM - [INFO] - Evaluating variables for test case
04-10-2018 01:32:43 PM - [START] - Start action : startApplication
04-10-2018 01:32:43 PM - [INFO] - Starting app at: ‘kobiton-store:8199’
04-10-2018 01:32:43 PM - [INFO] - User set preference: [‘acceptSslCerts’, ‘true’]
04-10-2018 01:32:43 PM - [INFO] - User set preference: [‘sessionDescription’, ‘’]
04-10-2018 01:32:43 PM - [INFO] - User set preference: [‘platformVersion’, ‘7.1.1’]
04-10-2018 01:32:43 PM - [INFO] - User set preference: [‘sessionName’, ‘Automation test session’]
04-10-2018 01:32:43 PM - [INFO] - User set preference: [‘captureSreenShots’, ‘true’]
04-10-2018 01:32:43 PM - [INFO] - User set preference: [‘deviceOrientation’, ‘portrait’]
04-10-2018 01:32:43 PM - [INFO] - User set preference: [‘platformName’, ‘Android’]
04-10-2018 01:32:43 PM - [INFO] - User set preference: [‘deviceName’, ‘Nexus 5X’]
Apr 10, 2018 1:32:45 PM org.openqa.selenium.remote.ErrorCodes toStatus
INFO: HTTP Status: ‘404’ → incorrect JSON status mapping for ‘session not created’ (500 expected)
04-10-2018 01:32:45 PM - [RUN_DATA] - Logging run data ‘deviceId’ with value ‘null’
04-10-2018 01:32:45 PM - [RUN_DATA] - Logging run data ‘deviceName’ with value ‘Nexus 5X’
04-10-2018 01:32:45 PM - [RUN_DATA] - Logging run data ‘deviceModel’ with value ‘null’
04-10-2018 01:32:45 PM - [RUN_DATA] - Logging run data ‘deviceManufacturer’ with value ‘null’
04-10-2018 01:32:45 PM - [RUN_DATA] - Logging run data ‘deviceOS’ with value ‘Android’
04-10-2018 01:32:45 PM - [RUN_DATA] - Logging run data ‘deviceOSVersion’ with value ‘7.1.1’
04-10-2018 01:32:45 PM - [FAILED] - Unable to start app at: ‘kobiton-store:8199’ (Root cause: org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: No device matching the desired capabilities
Command duration or timeout: 652 milliseconds
Build info: version: ‘3.7.1’, revision: ‘8a0099a’, time: ‘2017-11-06T21:07:36.161Z’
System info: host: ‘DESKTOP-0LA0L33’, ip: ‘’, os.name: ‘Windows 10’, os.arch: ‘amd64’, os.version: ‘10.0’, java.version: ‘1.8.0_102’
Driver info: driver.version: SwipeableAndroidDriver)
04-10-2018 01:32:45 PM - [END] - End action : startApplication
04-10-2018 01:32:45 PM - [FAILED] - Test Cases/AL-339 - SmokeTest - TC.02 FAILED because (of) Unable to start app at: ‘kobiton-store:8199’ (Root cause: org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: No device matching the desired capabilities
Command duration or timeout: 652 milliseconds
Build info: version: ‘3.7.1’, revision: ‘8a0099a’, time: ‘2017-11-06T21:07:36.161Z’
System info: host: ‘DESKTOP-0LA0L33’, ip: ‘’, os.name: ‘Windows 10’, os.arch: ‘amd64’, os.version: ‘10.0’, java.version: ‘1.8.0_102’
Driver info: driver.version: SwipeableAndroidDriver)
04-10-2018 01:32:45 PM - [END] - End Test Case : Test Cases/AL-339 - SmokeTest - TC.02

1 Like

Hit similar problem. Just run the Mobile demo test suite on Kobiton, case-1 is passde but the case-2 is failed with below errors:

Unable to start app at: ‘kobiton-store:10909’ (Root cause: org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: No device matching the desired capabilities

Command duration or timeout: 760 milliseconds

Build info: version: ‘3.7.1’, revision: ‘8a0099a’, time: ‘2017-11-06T21:07:36.161Z’


Similar problem. Just the mobile test suite fails after case-1, case-2 gets fail because of the session not created “org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: The session 4e63bdb5-32e6-489a-8208-8a35d1e60164 is not running on Kobiton and device. Please rerun your test script again to start new session.”

Did any one have a solution for the above scenario?

Hi everyone,
Greetings from my side.

Looks like this thread is open. Can anyone respond why does this error comes & how to resolve it?

“The session 7c2************* is not running on Kobiton and device. Please rerun your test script again to start new session.”
Kobiton error.txt (12.0 KB)

I have seen this coming intermittently from Kobiton side, when a step fails in a test script. This happens intermittently causing the mobile suite to fail. Attaching the same from the report containing this error. Can someone please help to resolve this as it’s impacting. Thanks in advance.