Unable to modify data in my test case

The idea of this test case is that I want to modify the data of a certain object. I enter the page where I see this data. After this you click the button to modify it. Then the fields with the objects data are modifiable. I change whatever data I want, click on enter and the test case ends.

The problem is that the test case passes without me really modifying the data. When I click on the button to do it, fields stay the same. So my question is…Do I need to wait for page to load? I did this and nothing changes. This has logic because I am not really loading a new page. Do I need to wait for elements to appear? This also does nothing for me. Any other suggestions?

I can not show you my log cause this is not an error. As I said before, my test passes correctly.

Screenshots of the page itself (showing us the element in question) and the html of element you are trying to modify would be great.

Here is an image of the elements I need to modify. The one with an arrow is just one of them

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No te entendí muy bien, podrías explicarte de nuevo, por favor?

Please share

  • HTML source code around the input filed for Dependencia
  • Your test case code where you try to update the Dependencia filed.
  • definition of the Test Object’s (XPath, CSS Selector) which points the field you want to manipulate

This is the code around Dependencia. Sorry if it is not very clear.



Here is my test in Katalon:

WebUI.callTestCase(findTestCase(‘FiltracionSimple’), [:], FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE)

CustomKeywords.‘keywordPrueba.CustomFunction.clickUsingJS’(findTestObject(‘Page_Administracin de rdenes/img_Fecha Est_vMODIFICAR_0001’),


CustomKeywords.‘keywordPrueba.CustomFunction.clickUsingJS’(findTestObject(‘Page_Orden Numero 1139658/input_Extraccin Observacin_BTNMODIFICAR’),

WebUI.waitForElementVisible(findTestObject(‘Page_Orden Numero 1139658/select_Dependencia’), 30)



WebUI.setText(findTestObject(‘Page_Login/input_User Name_vUSERNAME’), ‘admin’)

WebUI.setEncryptedText(findTestObject(‘Page_Login/input_User Password_vUSERPASSWORD’), ‘hUKwJTbofgPU9eVlw/CnDQ==’)

WebUI.click(findTestObject(‘Page_Login/input_User Password_LOGIN’))

WebUI.click(findTestObject(‘Page_Inicio/a_Pre Analtica’))

WebUI.click(findTestObject(‘Page_Inicio/a_Administracin de rdenes’))


WebUI.click(findTestObject(‘Page_Administracin de rdenes/span_En Proceso_caret’))


WebUI.waitForElementPresent(findTestObject(‘Page_Administracin de rdenes/ul_dropDown’), 0)

WebUI.click(findTestObject(‘Page_Administracin de rdenes/a_Seleccionar Todos’))

WebUI.verifyElementNotChecked(findTestObject(‘Page_Administracin de rdenes/a_Seleccionar Todos’), 0)

WebUI.click(findTestObject(‘Page_Administracin de rdenes/input_Seleccionar Todos_BUTTON1’))


Here is the objects data (Dependencia)

Perdon si no fui muy claro. Soy nuevo en todo esto.
La idea es que tengo un objeto con un monton de datos como muestra en la foto de mas arriba.
Una vez que hago clic en modificar, los datos estan habilitados para modificarse.
El problema es que Katalon no hace nada una vez que hago clic en modificar.
En un comentario mas abajo puse todos los datos que uno precisa como HTML, TC y demás
Muchas gracias

Could we please try and keep this forum in english so the majority of users understand, thanks :slight_smile:

“Sorry if I was not very clear. I’m new to all this.
The idea is that I have an object with a lot of data as shown in the photo above.
Once I click on modify, the data is enabled to be modified.
The problem is that Katalon does not do anything once I click on modify.
In a comment below I put all the data that one needs such as HTML, TC and others
Thank you”

Sorry, I will do that from now on

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It would still be usefull to see the html of the element Dependencia. If your not sure of how to show us this, hover over the element, right click, inspect element. Then send us a screenshot of the screen you see.

I thought I was able to copy the html code right up there but not
Screenshots are better… here they are. They represent the before and after I clic in modify

I whink I get it, you have to use the keyword “selectOptionByValue” to choose one value of the combo, for example.
WebUI.selectOptionByValue(findTestObject(select_Dependencia), ‘1’, false)

rule 0:
a tester not beying able to use a testing tool is not a tester

rule 1: a tester not able to understand the target code bahaviour is not a tester

rule 2: if you don’t understand rule 0 or rule 1 you are not a tester

Thanks dude, that helped a lot. Now my problem is solved.

I have never seen anyone speak like you in this forum, pls dont be rude.

@Luis_alberto_guzman1 it was a joke.
if you didn’t get it read rule no 2 again