"unable to discover open pages" with headless and user-data-dir

I am getting the error “unable to discover open pages”

googled it and found this issue at seleniumhq github: [🐛 Bug]: "unable to discover open pages" with headless and user-data-dir · Issue #11634 · SeleniumHQ/selenium · GitHub

it turned out that it was the same problem I have. I can run tests, just not with chrome (headless) and user-data-dir arg under capabilities.

it seems that it should be possible to counter this by using --headless=new with selenium, but I can’t find a way to change this in katalon studio.

does anyone know how to do that? or is it something that needs to be fixed inside katalon studio?

The article Headless is Going Away! | Selenium discusses about Selenium v4.x. But Katalon Studio works on Selenium v3.x. Therefore the solution “–headless=new” is possibly NOT applicable in Katalon Studio.