Unable to Capture second window using Windows recorder

I have selected Windows Recorder to capture a installer application.
Only the msi install wizard is capturing in the capture screen.
Need to capture Welcome screen [second screen] to proceed with the install.

‘SwitchtoApplication’ action is not working and issue with identifying object in Welcome screen.

Question : Is there a any to option to capture the second window in-order to proceed with the installation of windows application?

I have successfully used switchToWindowsTitle to jump from a login screen to that main application Window. I had to put in a delay to let the next Window come up.

// ...login to app, then...

WindowsDriver windowsDriver = Windows.switchToWindowTitle('Bay, Jim - \'Everyone\'')
Windows.setText(findWindowsObject('Object Repository/fullexport/Tab'), '')
Windows.click(findWindowsObject('Object Repository/fullexport/Tab'))

Note that the app remembers where you were last time, changing the text in the title bar, so I have to be careful to “reset” the app before I close it. I had to figure out the title bar value manually, though.


Hi James,

Thanks for your answer.

Actually, two windows has same title, so its not being switched.

Is it possible to spy Windows objects from a window that is not the initial application?

If you find out… let me know. :slight_smile:

Bummer about the titles - that was what saved me. But thats because I haven’t found a way to switch to a running app without having the recorder (or player) start the app for me. That was never an issue with web pages, but Windows seems to be a different beast.

What I’ve been trying is to capture the objects in record mode, then use the Xpath, but that hasn’t been 100% successful either.

Spy appears to work the way the (non-native) recorder works, which in my case means it doesn’t. I’ve only gotten the native recorder to work, and I can’t use the native recorder without starting the app, which means I have to start from scratch each time and guess what objects I need during a recording run, go edit my script, rinse, repeat.

Best of luck. If I figure something out, I’ll book mark this note and update you.


Hi James,

I would like to capture the objects in the main application after jump from a login screen. I have followed the steps which you have mentioned, but i’m not able capture the objects of main application using spy windows object or the window recorder. It’s not switching to the main application. Can you please help me

Hi sundar,

You can use tool “inspect.exe” for spying the objects

Hi Jagadish,

thanks for the update. Let me try and let you know.

Thanks it’s working

We have selected Windows Recorder/Spy object window to capture a Windows(Desktop) application.
Only the loading page [First screen] is getting captured in the object capture screen.
Need to capture objects of Login pop screen [second screen] to login into the application.

We are able to switch the Login pop screen [second screen] using ‘SwitchtoWindowTitle’ action and issue is with identifying object in Login Pop up screen.

Question : Is there any to option to capture the second window in-order to proceed with the login of windows application?