Trying to record with Chrome, failed to load extension and get an unknown error


I have an issue regarding recording in chrome browser.
Firstly, I am trying to record at least

  1. I have created a project in Katalon. I have an extension in the browser.
  2. Press Record web. Opens Web Recorder.
  3. I enter URL Press record.
  4. Received the following error:

4.1 I have folder mentioned in the error
4.2 My user has all access rights to that folder.
5. I press OK and get a below error.

5.1 I have tried to use a lower version of chrome driver.
5.2 I have tried to change some settings, but nothing had helped me.

Does anybody can help me with this issue? Do you need some more information?

Many thanks in advanced :slight_smile:

Hi!! Does anybody can help me? :slight_smile: