"Text Content" comparision method is not working in AI visual testing

Hi Team,

We are trying to use the AI Visual testing feature in our automation scripts in the katalon, as part of that we tried to “Text Content” comparision method is not working, I have attached the document with the steps followed along with the screenshots, please let me know how can we make it work ?

Thanks in Advance!

Sudheer M T
Visual-testing Text content based method issue.docx (746.0 KB)


can you share katalon version

Hi Dinesh,

we had used the katalon version 9.6.0 .

Sudheer M T


I don’t have much experience in this but pump for everyone support

I don’t understand what you mean by saying “the method is not working”.

What did you expected to see?
What did you actually see?

Can you upgrade to latest version and confirm

hey @bipin.b

can you confirm which text is different?
the hour section, right?

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