TestSuite exection faling in Gitlab but works locally

Hi Team,

We are getting the error while running katalon from Gitlab. Locally it works fine

2021-05-25 12:13:51.265 INFO c.k.k.c.webui.common.WebUiCommonHelper - Unable to find the element located by ‘By.xpath: //input[@name=‘UserName’]’. Please recheck the objects properties to make sure the desired element is located.

stage: test
image: katalonstudio/katalon:7.2.1

- katalonc.sh -runMode=console -projectPath=$CI_PROJECT_DIR -browserType=“Chrome (headless)” -retry=0 -statusDelay=15 -testSuitePath=“xxx” -apiKey=xxxx -executionProfile=xxx

also tried the below command

- katalon-execute.sh -browserType="Chrome" -retry=0 -statusDelay=15 -testSuitePath="$testSuitePath" -apiKey=$apiKey -executionProfile=$executionProfile

can someone please help