Own locatorbuilders

Hello, is it possible to integrate my own locator builders? In Selenium IDE I was able to add extension files. I builded my dialogs with extjs so the “normal” locators (id, xpath, css,…) are not that useful, because I need to refresh them every now and then.

Hi Arno,

Unfortunately, Katalon Studio does not support integration with custom locator builders yet. Katalon team will consider in the future implementation if enough users request it.

Thank you for using Katalon Studio,


This would be a welcome addition to Katalon Recorder, as custom locators provide more stable scripts than xpath.

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Kevin Muylaert said:

This would be a welcome addition to Katalon Recorder, as custom locators provide more stable scripts than xpath.

Hi Kevin,

Thank you for your feedback. I think you’ve made a great point. I will definitely share with the team.


This is a great suggestion. Thank you so much.

Could you please elaborate so that we can work on it? Your locator builders will return a totally different syntax (not XPath, CSS, etc.) or it will return a better locator for each element?

I am new to the Selenium ecosystem, but if the locator builders allow me to decide that when a button is clicked on certain pages, that it will record a positional reference to another element, that is what I’m looking for. I have a menu made up of rows with labels and buttons. I want to record the button clicked in reference to the label.

We support it now http://forum.katalon.com/discussion/6286/we-have-released-katalon-recorder-3-5-0-with-support-for-extension-scripts-aka-user-extensions-js. I’ll close this discussion - if you have question or feedback please submit it in the announcement thread.

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How to favor css locators with class containing “test-”?