Mobile Keywords supports copying and pasting or extracting text elements to paste into box elements or not?

Inquiring if Mobile Keywords supports copying and pasting or extracting text elements to paste into box elements.
As shown below, it’s a SMS verification page, but the red-boxed OTP is XXXXXX, designed by engineers for use in the testing environment; the digits change each time upon login. Therefore, I’d like to inquire if Mobile Keywords has the capability to extract the digits from the red box and paste them into the green box to achieve automated testing.

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Hi @ryanyang182, See this search: Search the documentation | Katalon Docs for all mobile keywords.

I don’t think you want to “copy and paste”, but instead, to “read and write” the text. You would “read” with “getText()” and “write” with “setText()”.
(Yes, you likely could do a “copy and paste” but it would be much more difficult, likely having to highlight your text with “sendKeys” and then collecting the text with Robot, or “sendKeys” again, and then again using Robot, or “sendKeys”, to paste/write your text. Yikes!
eg. Mobile.sendKeys(findTestObject('your element), Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, ‘a’));`

[Mobile] Get Text | Katalon Docs

[Mobile] Set Text | Katalon Docs

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