Hi I have a question does xpath in mobile & web works the same way? In Web i can use xpath like following-sibling but does it work the same way for mobile ? Cause i tried it seems to not be working ??
This is the custom xpath that i made //*[@class = ‘android.widget.TextView’ and (@text = ‘User ID’ or . = ‘User ID’)]/following-sibling::android.widget.ViewGroup/descendant::android.widget.EditText
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I might try some variation on your pathway, since you have several ‘siblings’. So, how about?
//*[@class = 'android.widget.TextView' and (@text = 'User ID' or . = 'User ID')]/following-sibling::android.widget.ViewGroup[1]/android.widget.EditText
or maybe even
//*[@text = 'User ID' or . = 'User ID']/following-sibling::android.widget.ViewGroup[1]/android.widget.EditText
The bit in bold below - I can’t see that anywhere in the hierarchy, so syntax might be correct but one of your nodes is not:
“This is the custom xpath that i made //*[@class = ‘android.widget.TextView’ and (@text = ‘User ID’ or . = ‘User ID’)]/following-sibling::android.widget.ViewGroup/descendant::android.widget.EditText”