Mobile Application minimize then can't able to complete the test with unexpected behavior when run from test suite collection however all test suite separate running successfully

appium.log (412.2 KB)
Mobile Application minimize then can’t able to complete the test with unexpected behavior when run from test suite collection however all test suite separate running successfully

Operating System

Windows 10/11 and MacOS Montery

Katalon Studio version

version 8.3.5 and latest also

Log Folder:

  • Windows logs folder: Katalon Studio folder>\config\.metadata\.log
  • MacOS logs folder: file:///Applications/
    appium.log (517.8 KB)
    appium.log (438.8 KB)

Environment (for Mobile Testing Android)

  • Android Applications (e.g Android 13)

Environment (for Mobile testing)

  • Appium version 1.22.0
  • Mobile platform/version under test: Android 12 and 13
  • Real device or emulator/simulator: Real device xiomi M11 T Pro
  • Appium Logs: \.appium
  • Application file (.apk/.ipa): (if possible)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create some Test suites containing some test cases
  2. Try to run this test suites individually you found it run successfully
  3. Create Test suite collection and include those test suites on it
  4. Try to run all test suites together from test suite collection

Expected Behavior

  • All test cases run successfully when run from test suite collection

Actual Behavior

  • Mobile Application minimize then can’t able to complete the test with unexpected behavior when run from test suite collection however all test suite separate running successfully

Screenshots / Videos (please attach screenshots or videos if necessary to reproduce the issue)


Thank you for your raising issue. I will let my internal know and update if we can reproduce or share some troubleshoots.