Looking forward to learn katalon studio

I want to exore katalon studio never done any automation before your help needed friends Thank you all

You can take a look at ‘Video’ section (https://www.katalon.com/videos/) and learn Katalon Studio basics from there.

Thanks a lot Katalon test cases not running on IE please help! Our application only works on IE

@mahesh joshi said:
Thanks a lot Katalon test cases not running on IE please help! Our application only works on IE

Hi Mahesh Joshi,

Thank you for considering Katalon products for your automation solution.

Have you configured your IE yet? Internet Explorer must be configured to run automation test with Katalon Studio. Refer to IE configurations guide here.

Let us know if you are still having issues with IE. We are happy to help.


Thanks Liam ! The application I am going to try only works inside my organisation. How katalon behaves when you test on integrated applications? I mean we have Content management system where we save all our documents.User goes on web app short cut it opens content management system.The main purpose to test this application this application only opens with IE.
I have given POC at my work installing katalon on my laptop so once application installed at my work computer I will try IE configuration. I hope all goes smoothly. I will keep you update - Kind Regards - Mahesh Joshi

@Liam B said:

@mahesh joshi said:
Thanks a lot Katalon test cases not running on IE please help! Our application only works on IE

Hi Mahesh Joshi,

Thank you for considering Katalon products for your automation solution.

Have you configured your IE yet? Internet Explorer must be configured to run automation test with Katalon Studio. Refer to IE configurations guide here.

Let us know if you are still having issues with IE. We are happy to help.


Thanks Liam ! The application I am going to try only works inside my organisation. How katalon behaves when you test on integrated applications? I mean we have Content management system where we save all our documents.User goes on web app short cut it opens content management system.The main purpose to test this application this application only opens with IE.
I have given POC at my work installing katalon on my laptop so once application installed at my work computer I will try IE configuration. I hope all goes smoothly. I will keep you update

@mahesh joshi said:

@Liam B said:

@mahesh joshi said:
Thanks a lot Katalon test cases not running on IE please help! Our application only works on IE

Hi Mahesh Joshi,

Thank you for considering Katalon products for your automation solution.

Have you configured your IE yet? Internet Explorer must be configured to run automation test with Katalon Studio. Refer to IE configurations guide here.

Let us know if you are still having issues with IE. We are happy to help.


Thanks Liam ! The application I am going to try only works inside my organisation. How katalon behaves when you test on integrated applications? I mean we have Content management system where we save all our documents.User goes on web app short cut it opens content management system.The main purpose to test this application this application only opens with IE.
I have given POC at my work installing katalon on my laptop so once application installed at my work computer I will try IE configuration. I hope all goes smoothly. I will keep you update

Hi Mahesh,

Do you have any sample of the integrated application? Katalon team can provide better support if we have enough details information about the application under test. Also, we highly recommend visiting Katalon Resource Center for tutorials, video, documentation, etc.

Feel free to raise any questions or concerns,

Thank you for choosing Katalon products,

Liam B said:

@mahesh joshi said:

@Liam B said:

@mahesh joshi said:

Thanks a lot Katalon test cases not running on IE please help! Our application only works on IE

Hi Mahesh Joshi,

Thank you for considering Katalon products for your automation solution.

Have you configured your IE yet? Internet Explorer must be configured to run automation test with Katalon Studio. Refer to IE configurations guide here.

Let us know if you are still having issues with IE. We are happy to help.



Thanks Liam ! The application I am going to try only works inside my organisation. How katalon behaves when you test on integrated applications? I mean we have Content management system where we save all our documents.User goes on web app short cut it opens content management system.The main purpose to test this application this application only opens with IE.

I have given POC at my work installing katalon on my laptop so once application installed at my work computer I will try IE configuration. I hope all goes smoothly. I will keep you update

Hi Mahesh,

Do you have any sample of the integrated application? Katalon team can provide better support if we have enough details information about the application under test. Also, we highly recommend visiting Katalon Resource Center for tutorials, video, documentation, etc.

Feel free to raise any questions or concerns,

Thank you for choosing Katalon products,


Hi Liam, Thank you so much for the quick reply.Application only available inside office network.But here is the vendor TEAM Asparona, they provide ContentWorx (as a service) which is based on an Oracle product:
https://contentworx.co.nz/ & https://contentworx.co.nz/contentworx/ This is what exactly integrated into our system.I hope all will go well. Thanks Liam

Hi Liam here is small video of that application https://contentworx.co.nz/portfolio/ecm-as-a-service/

Hello file upload not working when I run from IE please help our application only works on IE here are the logs - Test Cases/one more trial FAILED because (of) Unable to wait for object ‘Object Repository/Page_docCM/browse button’ to be present (Root cause: org.openqa.selenium.UnhandledAlertException: Modal dialog present:

Build info: version: ‘3.7.1’, revision: ‘8a0099a’, time: ‘2017-11-06T21:07:36.161Z’

System info: host: ‘WIN-7ACV5NFP3RV’, ip: ‘’, os.name: ‘Windows 7’, os.arch: ‘amd64’, os.version: ‘6.1’, java.version: ‘1.8.0_102’

Driver info: com.kms.katalon.selenium.driver.CInternetExplorerDriver

Capabilities {acceptInsecureCerts: false, browserName: internet explorer, browserVersion: 11, javascriptEnabled: true, pageLoadStrategy: normal, platform: WINDOWS, platformName: WINDOWS, se:ieOptions: {browserAttachTimeout: 0, elementScrollBehavior: 0, enablePersistentHover: true, ie.browserCommandLineSwitches: , ie.ensureCleanSession: false, ie.fileUploadDialogTimeout: 3000, ie.forceCreateProcessApi: false, ignoreProtectedModeSettings: false, ignoreZoomSetting: false, initialBrowserUrl: http://localhost:43423/, nativeEvents: true, requireWindowFocus: false}, setWindowRect: true}

Session ID: 94ce6212-4fba-4375-91a9-62c5e8dedea2

*** Element info: {Using=xpath, value=id(“r1:0:pgl11”)/tbody[1]/tr[1]/td[3]/input[1][count(. | //input[@onclick = concat(‘javascript:document.getElementById(’ , “’” , ‘browseUploadMultipleFiles’ , “’” , ‘).click();’) and @type = ‘button’ and @value = ‘Browse’]) = count(//input[@onclick = concat(‘javascript:document.getElementById(’ , “’” , ‘browseUploadMultipleFiles’ , “’” , ‘).click();’) and @type = ‘button’ and @value = ‘Browse’])]})

Test Cases/one more trial.run:32

hi! I want to learn about Katalon studio.

what i need to know first? help me please