[KShare] Setting Up W3C Protocol Desired Capabilities for Cloud Platforms in Katalon Studio Enterprise v10

Hi everyone, :wave:

Did you know that with Katalon Studio version 10.x, the platform now follows the W3C WebDriver standard?

With the adoption of Selenium 4, Katalon Studio follows the W3C WebDriver standard, which is now the default protocol for configuring browser capabilities. If your project includes capabilities that do not comply with this standard, the session may fail to start. If you’re using a remote testing service such as LambdaTest, Sauce Labs, or BrowserStack, ensure your capabilities comply with the W3C WebDriver standard.

In this Article, we will be looking into what are the changes you need to do when integrating Katalon Studio version 10.x with Cloud platforms like BrowserStack, SauceLabs, LambdaTest.

1. Integrating BrowserStack with Katalon Studio version 10.x

Web Testing

  • Place browserNamecapability in the Desired Capabilities.
  • Place remaining desired capabilities like os, osVersion, browserVersion, userName, accessKey, etc… in a Dictionary named as bstack:options

→ To generate the correct capabilities for Browserstack Web testing, you can navigate to the Browserstack Capability Web Generator and select like below:

→ In Katalon Studio, you can go to: Project > Settings > Desired Capabilities > Remote :fireworks:

Mobile Testing

  • Place platformName, appium:platformVersion, appium:deviceName, appium:app capability in the Desired Capabilities.
  • Place remaining desired capabilities like userName, accessKey, etc… in a Dictionary named as bstack:options

→ To generate the correct capabilities for Browserstack Mobile Application testing, you can navigate to the Browserstack App Capability Generator and select like below:

→ In Katalon Studio, you can go to: Project > Settings > Desired Capabilities > Remote :

2. Integrating SauceLabs with Katalon Studio version 10.x

Web Testing

  • Place browserVersion, browserName, platformName capability in the Desired Capabilities.
  • Place remaining desired capabilities like userName, accessKey, etc… in a Dictionary named as sauce:options

→ To generate the correct capabilities for SauceLabs Web testing, you can navigate to the SauceLabs Web Platform Configurator and select like below:

→ In Katalon Studio, you can go to: Project > Settings > Desired Capabilities > Remote :fireworks:

Mobile Testing

  • Place help to place all the properties userName, accessKey, platformName, appium:app, appium:deviceName, appium:automationName, etc… inside the Dictionary named as sauce:options

→ To generate the correct capabilities for SauceLabs Mobile Application testing, you can navigate to the SauceLabs Mobile App Platform Configurator and select like below:

→ In Katalon Studio, you can go to: Project > Settings > Desired Capabilities > Remote

3. Integrating LambdaTest with Katalon Studio version 10.x

Web Testing

  • Place browserVersion, browserName, capability in the Desired Capabilities.
  • Place remaining desired capabilities like userName, accessKey, platformName, etc… in a Dictionary named as LT:Options

→ To generate the correct capabilities for LambdaTest Web testing, you can navigate to the LambdaTest Web Platform Configurator and select like below:

→ In Katalon Studio, you can go to: Project > Settings > Desired Capabilities > Remote

Mobile Testing

  • The Remote Server URL should be replaced with: http://username:accessKey@mobile-hub.lambdatest.com/wd/hub
    • Where please help to replace username and accessKey with your LambdaTest username and accessKey value.
  • Then please place platformName, deviceName, platformVersion, w3c etc… inside the Dictionary named as lt:options

→ To generate the correct capabilities for LambdaTest Mobile Application testing, you can navigate to the LambdaTest Mobile App Platform Configurator and select like below:

→ In Katalon Studio, you can go to: Project > Settings > Desired Capabilities > Remote :

4. Sample project

:information_source: Notes: The above sample project contains the format of all the Desired Capabilities discussed mentioned above. You can access them inside Katalon Studio Project > Settings > Desired Capabilities > Custom, like below:

5. Reference

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Thank you very much the Product Support team (@support.squad) and Bhavyansh Ameta (@bhavyansh.ameta) for another helpful article! :raised_hands:

Bhavyansh Ameta (@bhavyansh.ameta) - Junior Product Support Specialist
Bhavyansh is a Junior Product Support Specialist at Katalon who utilizes his technical expertise to assist users with intelligent solutions. His passion for delivering exceptional support is not just about providing answers but fostering a positive and empowering user experience.
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Nice article!!