[KShare] Maximize your testing efficiency with custom keywords in Katalon Studio

Hi all, :wave:

From time to time, we at the Katalon Product Support team notice a lot of topics asking about setting up custom keywords within Katalon Studio. So, today, we would like to share with you some custom keywords and how to use them to maximize your testing efficiency with Katalon Studio.

We will be breaking down this topic into different sections, separated by posts; hence, please use the section below to jump to the section that you are most interested in :point_down:

:pushpin: How to use the Windows.switchToDesktop() custom keyword to switch window faster?

:pushpin: How to use the WebUI.setText() custom keyword successfully?

:pushpin: How to use the WebUI.dragAndDropToObject custom keyword successfully?

:pushpin: How to work better with Browser Alerts?

If you find this topic helpful, don’t forget to leave us a like :heart: or share it with your coworkers!

:information_source: To read more KShare articles from the Product Support team, simply navigate to the support tag.


A post was split to a new topic: [KShare] How to use the Windows.switchToDesktop() custom keyword to switch window faster?

A post was split to a new topic: [KShare] How to use the WebUI.setText() custom keyword successfully?

A post was split to a new topic: [KShare] How to use the WebUI.dragAndDropToObject custom keyword successfully?

A post was split to a new topic: [KShare] How to work better with Browser Alerts with custom keywords?

Thank you Product Support team (@support.squad) as always for this insightful topic. And also a big shout-out to the two individuals below for your contribution to this topic:

Linh Nguyen Thong Tran
Linh Nguyen (@linh.nguyen) - Product Support Manager at Katalon Thong Tran (@thong.tran) - Senior Software Engineer at Katalon
Linh is the Product Support team Manager at Katalon. She spent many years working as an Automation Testing QA before joining Katalon Product Support as a technical support expert. Based on her experiences, she usually provides customers with highly applicable solutions. She now manages her team with a user-centric approach to guarantee customers greater success with Katalon Products. A passionate Katalon developer with a wealth of programming and testing expertise. Thong has been dedicated to providing exceptional enterprise support for the past five years, helping Katalon’s customers achieve their testing goals with ease.

Do you have an idea for a topic that you would like the Product Supoprt team to cover in their next KShare article? Then share them with us by simply fill in the form below :point_down: