Katalon Studio DBMS Custom Keywords

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://store.katalon.com/product/24#qa-content

@Katalon_Store @Katalon_team

I am trying to use the Katalon Studio DBMS Custom Keywords but I am not able to Understand what should be the Connection value here :

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Hi Manpreet,

To get Global Connection from (Project --> Setting–> Database)

Please include those script ( but make sure your project has DBMS plugin from Store)

Connection globalConnection = null;
 ResultSet actorData;

 globalConnection = CustomKeywords.'connection.Database.getGlobalConnection'()
 actorData = CustomKeywords.'connection.Database.executeQuery'(globalConnection, "SELECT * FROM tblActor WITH(NOLOCK)")

For your custom connection ( All password should be encoded with Base64 “https://www.base64encode.org/”)

Connection connection = null;
 ResultSet actorData;
 connection = CustomKeywords.'connection.Database.createConnection'(DBType.mysql, 'localhost', '3306', 'Movies', 'katalon', 'a2F0YWxvbg==')
 actorData = CustomKeywords.'connection.Database.executeQuery'(connection, "SELECT * FROM `tblActor`")

DBType values: 
- mysql
- sqlserver
- postgresql
- oracle

Example for GlobalConnection ( global connection is using SQL SERVER)

 Connection globalConnection = null;
 ResultSet actorData;

 globalConnection = CustomKeywords.'connection.Database.getGlobalConnection'()
 actorData = CustomKeywords.'connection.Database.executeQuery'(globalConnection, "SELECT * FROM tblActor WITH(NOLOCK)")

Example for InternalConnection

DBType values: 
- mysql
- sqlserver
- postgresql
- oracle

All Password should be encoded, you can use base64encode online to get encoded text
 Connection connection = null;
 ResultSet actorData;
 connection = CustomKeywords.'connection.Database.createConnection'(DBType.mysql, 'localhost', '3306', 'Movies', 'katalon', 'a2F0YWxvbg==')
 actorData = CustomKeywords.'connection.Database.executeQuery'(connection, "SELECT * FROM `tblActor`")

Examples for ResultSet keywords

'Example: check result set is empty'
 println CustomKeywords.'connection.ResultSet.isEmptyResult'(actorData)
'Example: Export a result set to csv file'
 CustomKeywords.'connection.ResultSet.exportToCSV'(actorData, RunConfiguration.getProjectDir() +"/OutPut Files/actor.csv")

'Example: Get total of rows from a result set'
 println CustomKeywords.'connection.ResultSet.getRowCount'(actorData)
'Example: Get total of coulmns from a result set'
 println CustomKeywords.'connection.ResultSet.getColumnCount'(actorData) 
'Example: Get single cell value using row and column index'
 println CustomKeywords.'connection.ResultSet.getSingleCellValue'(actorData, 2, 2)

'Example: Get single cell value using row and column index'
 println CustomKeywords.'connection.ResultSet.getSingleCellValue'(actorData, 2, 'ActorName')
'Example: Get list of cell value using row and column index'
 println CustomKeywords.'connection.ResultSet.getListCellValue'(actorData, 3)
'Example: Get list of cell value using row and column label'
 println  CustomKeywords.'connection.ResultSet.getListCellValue'(actorData, 'ActorDOB') 

@katalon_store_suppor I was able to connect to the database using Global Connection Settings and the DBMS keyword but it is returning a value which is is different from what I was expecting.

============ Script I have ============

Connection globalConnection = null

ResultSet Last_Name

globalConnection = CustomKeywords.‘com.katalon.plugin.keyword.connection.DatabaseKeywords.getGlobalConnection’()

Last_Name = CustomKeywords.‘com.katalon.plugin.keyword.connection.DatabaseKeywords.executeQuery’(globalConnection, ‘Select LastName from FirstNameLastName LIMIT 1’)

println ('The Last Name is: '+Last_Name)


When I run this script I get below thing in console log :

The Last Name is: com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42UpdatableResultSet@3381b4fc
2019-03-25 12:32:37.194 INFO c.k.katalon.core.main.TestCaseExecutor - END Test Cases/WIP/Test


Sorry, I am new to Test Automation and this might be a dumb question.

I think I have to use ResultSet keywords to translate the output but was not able to figure out how to do that.


The executeQuery will return a ResultSet, if you want to get information from resultset, please use below

Last_Name = CustomKeywords.‘com.katalon.plugin.keyword.connection.DatabaseKeywords.executeQuery’(globalConnection, ‘Select LastName from FirstNameLastName LIMIT 1’)

'Example: Get single cell value using row and column index'
 println 'The Last Name is '  + CustomKeywords.'connection.ResultSet.getSingleCellValue'(Last_Name, 1, 1)

'Example: Get single cell value using row and column label'
 println CustomKeywords.'connection.ResultSet.getSingleCellValue'(Last_Name, 1, 'LastName')

'Example: Get list of cell value using  column label'
 println  CustomKeywords.'connection.ResultSet.getListCellValue'(Last_Name, 'LastName') 

It is open sources that I have developed - there are many demo test cases for you, you can follow it


It works now, Thanks for your help.


It would be great if you or publisher post the details of using at Overview section on Store

I am able to run Insert Query using the database keyword but it is not adding anything to the datatbase, Katalon says the Query has passed. Basically what I am trying to save into database is a variable value. Below is my script :


saveemail = CustomKeywords.‘com.katalon.plugin.keyword.connection.DatabaseKeywords.getGlobalConnection’()

insertquery = WebUI.concatenate((([‘Insert into useraccounts_dev_ca values (’’, Field_Email_Address_Field, ‘’, ‘test123!’);’]) as String[]))

CustomKeywords.‘com.katalon.plugin.keyword.connection.DatabaseKeywords.executeUpdate’(saveemail, insertquery)



I tried to see the examples in the repo attached by you but the difference in my requirement is that I want to save the value Variable “Field_Email_Address_Field” in the database.

Hi manpreet,

your insert query is not correct syntax. Please try below statement

insertquery = WebUI.concatenate ([“INSERT INTO useraccounts_dev_ca VALUES (’’,”,"’" +Field_Email_Address_Field + “’”,",’’,‘test123!’)"] as String[])

println insertquery

Important note when you try to concate data

For String parameter please make sure to have syntax like this “’” + string_param + “’”
For Integer parameter: “” + int_param + “”

Let me know if it can resolve your problem



I am still not able to successfully insert into table.

The forum editor seems to be changing the Characters, So I was not able to use the exact same solution you mentioned as the Katalon editor is showing error. Based on your solution I came up with this :

Upon executing the script the log viewer gives below statement which makes me wonder that ’ at beginning and end of insert statement is causing the statement to not run on the database but for Katalon it is a valid statement and it is marking the step as passed

Sorry for bugging you again and again but this is a very important step in my script as the saved email address will be used in many other test scenarios.

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Another update, It seems there is some issue with the Connection: When I run Insert query from Katalon I am getting this error

But I can run the insert query successfully using a SQL client on the same database. The database is hosted on AWS.

Hi manpreet,

try to inject this statement to turn off read-only connection

saveemail = CustomKeywords.‘com.katalon.plugin.keyword.connection.DatabaseKeywords.getGlobalConnection’()


your insert query here

and try to execute again and let me know the result


Wow, its working now.


Hi, Is there a plan to create Custom Keywords for MongoDB as well?

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Yes, I will consider it - maybe it will be included in new version

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I am new to using plugins… I downloaded plugins from Katalon Store. I don’t see this plugins in Katalon. I also downloaded zip version of this project from Git but not sure the step I need to take in order to use it Katalon. I read the readme file as well but being new here I am not able to get the setup done. Please help with some instruction how to start using it.

Nevermind… I got it installed and I can see the plugins now


Great! for any concern just post the question in the forum, team will follow and help you on issue

Enjoy the plugin!

I didn’t manage to install either.
I did the reload plugin, I got the zip from github, copied files into folders (to use through plugin-get jar.file), … copied the example in a test case, it blocked on ‘import com.katalon.plugin.keyword.connection.DBType as DBType’

Can someone help?