Katalon Runtime Engine- Status Error- 403- Access_Denied


I was trying to run the code from Katalon Runtime engine and I am getting below error.

Katalon TestOps: Unexpected response, URL: https://testops.katalon.io/api/v1/katalon/test-reports/update-result?projectId=84793, Status: 403, Response: {“error”:“access_denied”,“error_description”:“Either this resource does not exist, or the current user does not have permissions to access this resource”}

Could anyone help how to fix this issue.


Hi @vignesh.kattla,

This seems like you don’t have permission to access the Project with ID 84793. Can you run this test successfully on Katalon Studio? There are 2 main causes for this issue.

1. You haven’t been added to the Team that is handling project 84793
=> To solve this, please help to ask your Team admin/owner to invite you to the team on TestOps. Please consider the articles below for further information.
Set up Teams | Katalon Docs
Create an Organization and Project | Katalon Docs

2. The Project has been deleted.
=> Go to Katalon Studio > Project > Setting > Plugins > Katalon TestOps > change to the different project to see if it solves your current issue. You can consider the demonstrating screenshot below for better following the instruction.

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