Katalon-circleci - how does this work



can someone please explain how this docker image works? We use katalon as well as circle ci, and if the integration here is any could, this could be pretty valuable for us?






Anyone has the right configuration steps?


I just started with katalon-circleci and can tell you what i did to get things going a bit, hope it helps

We’re using GitLab for our Katalon and other projects.

Every time changes are commited to the project in GitLab, it wil start a GitLab Runner which will run the Katalon Test Suite(s) in a Docker container on a seperate server.

Runners are created in GitLab, to create one go to project Settings > CI /CD:

After you’ve created your runner in the GitLab project, you’ll see the the URL & the registration token.

You need these to set up a GitLab Runner on the server where you want the Katalon test suites to be run.

In the root of your Katalon project in GitLab, create a **.gitlab-ci.yml
**You need this file in order to tell GitLab Runner what to do.

Below is how my file looks like, but you haven to adjust/expand it to your needs:

# The docker image which is used to run test suites is provided by katalon studio:# https://github.com/katalon-studio/docker-images <NAME OF YOUR 1ST TEST>:  image: katalonstudio/katalon-circleci  tags:  - qa  script:  - export KATALON_OPTS='-browserType="Chrome" -retry=0 retryFailedTestCases=true -executionProfile="default" -statusDelay=15 -testSuitePath="Test Suites/<YOUR KATALON TEST SUITE>"'  - $KATALON_KATALON_CIRCLECI_ROOT_DIR/scripts/katalon-execute.sh<NAME OF YOUR 2ND TEST>:  image: katalonstudio/katalon-circleci  tags:  - qa  script:  - export KATALON_OPTS='-browserType="Chrome" -retry=0 retryFailedTestCases=true -executionProfile="default" -statusDelay=15 -testSuitePath="<YOUR KATALON TEST SUITE>"'  - $KATALON_KATALON_CIRCLECI_ROOT_DIR/scripts/katalon-execute.sh

The ‘export’ part of the file can be created from within Katalon Studio using this button:

On the server where you want to run the tests:
- Install Docker (because you’ll be using the katalon-circleci Docker image).
- Install **GitLab Runner: **https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/install/
- Configure a GitLab Runner for your project using the URL & the registration token from the GitLab project runner (see above)

We had to increase the shared memory (on MacOS) in order to run the tests:

RUN sudo umount /dev/shm

RUN sudo mount -t tmpfs -o rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=512M tmpfs /dev/shm

I’am quite sure i didn’t cover everything, but maybe it’ll help you to get started.



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