Issue in parsing the Response object having French characters

I am validating a Web Service Request, that returns French characters (é, à, è) in the response. But facing below error, while trying to parse the Json response.

Sample Json Response :

“data”: {
“name”: “Rapidtransfer SA”,
“id”: “Société anonyme”,

Sample Code :

ResponseObject getEntityResponse = WS.sendRequestAndVerify(findTestObject('roles_web_request'))
JsonSlurper slurper = new JsonSlurper()
Map resultData = slurper.parseText(getEntityResponse.getResponseBodyContent())
String result = resultData.get("id")


Endpoint Execution roles_web_request FAILED.
groovy.json.JsonException: Unable to determine the current character, it is not a string, number, array, or object
The current character read is ' ' with an int value of 65279
Unable to determine the current character, it is not a string, number, array, or object

Kindly let me know, how to parse Json responses having French characters using Katalon.

code 65279 / 0xfeff

Quote from c# - What is this char? 65279 '' - Stack Overflow

It’s a zero-width no-break space.
It’s more commonly used as a byte-order mark (BOM).

Byte Order Mark: Byte order mark - Wikipedia

getEntityResponse.getResponseBodyContent() internally encountered a byte array with BOM. The HTTP Response was possibly carried a byte array encoded in UTF-16 with BOM, which is unsual.
Usually we expect HTTP messages are encoded in UTF-8 without BOM.

As far as I see ResponseObject (Katalon Studio API Specification), the getResponseBodyContent method can not handle messages encoded in UTF-16 with BOM.

Only option for you is to change the server-side application so that it repsponse message in UTF-8, not in UTF-16 with BOM. Or, do not use Katalon at all.

@kazurayam Thanks for the Information