IE 11 on Windows 10 Enterprise version (cannot click on button, with no error in log)

It cannot click on button with the following code. It can launch the url.
There is no error from the log, The log says the button object is found and being clicked on. But it didn’t click actually. Any idea why?

WebUI.delay(2)‘Object Repository/Page_CURA Healthcare Service/a_Make Appointment’))

I have followed the steps to configure IE 11

This is the system info of my machine:
Windows 10 Enterprise version, IE 11.799.17134.0

BTW, I’ve tried it on my another Windows 10 Home version, it’s working fine on IE 11 to click button!!!
So would it be Windows 10 Enterprise version causing the problem?

@JOE_F Whats the error ? Is it " Unable to click on Object, Other Element Would receive click" ??

If thats the error then this post might be helpful

There is no error from the log, The log says the button object is found and being clicked on. But it didn’t click anything actually. Any idea why?

Try clicking it using the method mentioned in post.

even that method works, I will need to modify every click action in my testcases for IE 11, which is very huge effort. As all the testsuites are working fine in Chrome and FF with regular click method from Katalon.

You can use find and replace to use the new click method. Just make sure you test your code on all browsers.

I found this

but it’s a bit confusing. I’m still not sure which options should be changed.

can someone confirm changing InternetExplorerOptions will work on IE11 and Windows 10 Enterprise Version? And post the correct InternetExplorerOptions for Katalon to work?

BTW, I’ve tried it on my another Windows 10 Home version, Katalon is working fine on IE 11 to click button without changing any InternetExplorerOptions!!!
So would it be Windows 10 Enterprise version causing the problem?

Has anybody faced the above issue? Even I am not able to click on windows 10 Enterprise.
Please Help!