How to use output value from keyword in a test case?

I have a custom-keyword which create a random ssn number as below:

def randomSSN() {
	Random rand = new Random();
	// Generate random SSN.
	int ssn1ssn = rand.nextInt(600)+100;
	int ssn2ssn = rand.nextInt(89)+10;
	int ssn3ssn = rand.nextInt(8999)+1000;
	// Print random SSN
	System.out.println("SSN: " + ssn1ssn + "-" + ssn2ssn + "-" + ssn3ssn);

I can see the output of the custom keyword when I call it from my test case as expected, but I cannot use it once I am in my test case, my question is, how do I retrieve ssn1ssn, ssn2ssn, ssn3ssn values and use them from my test case?

The main goal is to generate a random SSN and assign it to a new individual that I will enter in the App under test in the SSN field.

From my test case I execute as follows, but second line fails as shown below:
System.out.println("ssn1ssn: " + ssn1ssn);

2022-10-18 10:01:47.615 DEBUG testcase.SSN - 1: App.appFunctions.randomSSN()
Random Integers: 391
Random Integers: 25
Random Integers: 2145
SSN: 391-25-2145
2022-10-18 10:01:47.666 INFO k.k.c.m.CustomKeywordDelegatingMetaClass - App.appFunctions.randomSSN is PASSED
2022-10-18 10:01:47.666 DEBUG testcase.SSN - 2: out.println("ssn1ssn: " + ssn1ssn)
2022-10-18 10:01:47.682 ERROR c.k.katalon.core.main.TestCaseExecutor - :x: Test Cases/APP/SSN FAILED.
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: ssn1ssn for class: Script1666069162799

@josue.chavezduran try this,

def randomSSN() {
   Random rand = new Random();
   // Generate random SSN.
   int ssn1ssn = rand.nextInt(600)+100;
   int ssn2ssn = rand.nextInt(89)+10;
   int ssn3ssn = rand.nextInt(8999)+1000;
   def SSN = ssn1ssn + "-" + ssn2ssn + "-" + ssn3ssn);
   return SSN;
   // Print random SSN
   // System.out.println(SSN);

Test case:

def SSN = CustomKeywords.‘App.appFunctions.randomSSN’();

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package my

import com.kms.katalon.core.annotation.Keyword

public class RandomSSNGenerator {
	private static Integer ssn1
	private static Integer ssn2
	private static Integer ssn3
	private static generate() {
		Random rand = new Random();
		// Generate random SSN.
		ssn1 = rand.nextInt(600)+100;
		ssn2 = rand.nextInt(89)+10;
		ssn3 = rand.nextInt(8999)+1000;
	public static Tuple randomSSNasTuple() {
		return new Tuple(ssn1, ssn2, ssn3)
	public static List<Integer> randomSSNasList() {
		return [ssn1, ssn2, ssn3]
	public static Map<String, Integer> randomSSNasMap() {
		return ["ssn1": ssn1, "ssn2": ssn2, "ssn3": ssn3]

Test Case:

import my.RandomSSNGenerator

Tuple ssnT = RandomSSNGenerator.randomSSNasTuple()
println("as Tuple: " + ssnT[0] + ", " + ssnT[1] + ", " + ssnT[2])

List<List> ssnL = RandomSSNGenerator.randomSSNasList()
println("as List: " + ssnL[0] + ", " + ssnL[1] + ", " + ssnL[2])

Map<String, Integer> ssnM = RandomSSNGenerator.randomSSNasMap()
println("as Map: "  + ssnM["ssn1"] + ", " + ssnM["ssn2"] + ", " + ssnM["ssn3"])


as Tuple: 650, 88, 9075
as List: 417, 11, 2358
as Map: 491, 91, 9604

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How about concatenate the Integers that you made into a String and then return the String back to your program.

As an example,

def String randomSSN() {
	Random rand = new Random();
	// Generate random SSN.
	int ssn1ssn = rand.nextInt(600)+100;
	int ssn2ssn = rand.nextInt(89)+10;
	int ssn3ssn = rand.nextInt(8999)+1000;
	// return random SSN
	return "${ssn1ssn.toString()}-${ssn2ssn.toString()}-${ssn3ssn.toString()}";

And then, like @Dave_Evers has:
Test case:

def SSN = CustomKeywords.'App.appFunctions.randomSSN'();
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