How to run katalon project in cloud jenkins?

I’m trying to run katalon prj in cloud jenkins. I keep macOS katalon content package in workspace and trying to run .exe to kick start my prj. But it ends with error “invalid project description”. Its not possible? Do i need to install katalon package in jenkins server?


Did you have all configuration and setup as in Katalon Instruction at

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Hi Deepa,

you can running your project on cloud jenkins.You must up katalon docker image , check this link . After that you can running katalon via docker.

for example i run this command to run katalon on docker

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/katalon/katalon/source:ro -v $(pwd)/Reports/chrome:/katalon/katalon/report -e KATALON_OPTS="$CHROME_OPTS -testSuitePath=‘Test Suites/Tunaiku_Test/Suite_Tunaiku_Normal’" katalonstudio/katalon

uhmmm. you also must provide runner like *.yml file

for more you can learn form this article

Happy Testing …!!!

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