How to make Katalon Test Case listen to Javascript console.log() from Chrome

Here I published the sample code

Problem to solve

Calling console.log(message) API in JavaScript in web pages is ubiquitous. You can see the messages in the Console tabs of Browser Developer Tools. Russ Thomas gave us a nice tutorial about the Developer Tools. It is natural that WebUI testers want to transfer the messages that apprears in the Broswer console into automated test scripts like Katalon Studio’s Test Cases. I would show you an example of console.log :


In the Console tab you find a line

2021/1/14 10:47:43

This is the output of console.log() performed by a javascript in the web page.

Once upon a time, there was an API called “Selenium WebDriver API” which supported “Logging API”. Using its Logging API, automated-test scripts could read messages writen by JavaScript ‘console.log(msssage)’ calls in browser. However nowadays (I am writing this at Jan 2021) “Selenium WebDrvier Logging API” is already obsolete. W3C has defined at 2018 the standard WebDriver specification. The standard spec did not include “Logging API”. So all browsers have ceased support for “Logging API”.

However, we UI testers still want to read the output of console.log() in the automated UI test scripts. Is there any feasible approach?

How to solve it

Chrome DevTools Protocol (a.k.a. CDP) supports ConsoleAPICalled interface. The Chrome browser supports CDP fully. If we can utilize CDP in Katalon Studio Test Case, it would be possible to transfer the console.log() messages from Chrome browser to the test script.

Also FireFox browser provides Remote Debugging Protocol which supports the subset of CDP.

To me it seems that major browser vendors (Google, Mozilla) are willing to support some remote interfaces like CDP in addition to the W3C WebDrvier standard. I think that CDP is worth studying.

Solution description


You can see a working sample Test case:

Let me copy the partial source and paste here for easier reference:


/** Get DevTools Service to a tab in Chrome browser opened by Katalon Studio */
ChromeDevToolsService devToolsService = CdpUtils.getService()

/** Get indivisual CDP commands */
Page page = devToolsService.getPage()
Runtime runtime = devToolsService.getRuntime()

/** Listen to the events that JavaScript console.log(msg) was called on the web page */
runtime.onConsoleAPICalled({ ConsoleAPICalled event ->
	List<RemoteObject> args = event.getArgs()
	for (rm in args) {
		KeywordUtil.logInfo(">>>${type.toString()} ${rm.getValue()}")

/** Wait for on load event */
page.onLoadEventFired({ event ->
	// Evaluate javascript

/** Navigate to the Application Under Test */




When I ran this test case, I saw following output in the Katalon Log View:

2021-01-14 16:46:05.220 DEBUG testcase.Listen to Console log           - 11: navigateToUrl("")
2021-01-14 16:46:05.796 INFO  com.kms.katalon.core.util.KeywordUtil    - >>>LOG content script: Katalon Waiter v.2 is up and running !
2021-01-14 16:46:06.845 INFO  com.kms.katalon.core.util.KeywordUtil    - >>>LOG 2021/1/14 7:46:6

This web page called ‘console.log()’ twice, and emitted 2 messages:

  • >>>LOG content script: Katalon Waiter v.2 is up and running !
  • >>>LOG 2021/1/14 7:46:6

The sample simply prints the messages. But you can process the messages in more sophisticated way as you like.


You need to install the “Chrome DevTools Protocol Integration” plugin into your local Katalon Studio. It is avaliable fre at Chrome DevTools Protocol Integration. This plugin wraps the library kklisura/Chrome DevTools Java Client and bridges it to Katalon Studio.

I tested this project using Katalon Studio version 7.6.6.


The “kklisura/Chrome DevTools Java Client” once had a problem due to a change inside Chrome browser v111. It may not work any longer. See Chrome DevTools Protocol Integration - #7 by kazurayam

Playwrite supports listening to the Console log of Chrome browser natively,
