How to force stop test case after a few consecutive step failures

Hi all,

I need some help with a situation I am in.

I have default failure handling set to CONTINUE_ON_FAILURE (some small failures won’t disrupt the overall test), but I have found in situations where test steps fail consecutively (aka in a state where the rest of my steps would never pass) scripts that usually take max 10 minutes to execute are now taking hours.

I do not want to change my default wait time, since that is necessary in cases where there may be long loadtimes on the site that I need to test.

Is there any scripting solution to fail and force quit a test case if it has failed after 5 consecutive step failures?

any guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Interesting problem!

I have created a demo project and published it on GitHub:


When a step failure occured, it emits the following stacktrace:

com.kms.katalon.core.exception.StepFailedException: <your message text comes here>
	at com.kms.katalon.core.util.KeywordUtil.markFailed(

It tells that com.kms.katalon.core.util.KeywordUtil.markFailed() method is invoked everytime a step failed with the default FailureHandling to be CONTINUE_ON_FAILURE. You can read the source of KeywordUtil disclosed here.

You would want to change the behavior of markFailed() so that it counts the number of step failures. And as soon as the failure count exceeds the criteria you set, markFailed() should throw an Exception to quit the test case.

However, is it possible to change the behavior of the built-in KeywordUtil.markFailed() on the fly?

Yes, you can. Groovy language’s Metaprogramming feature enables you to do it.


Please try running the Test Cases/TC1_10failures :

import static
import com.kms.katalon.core.model.FailureHandling

String msg = "All work and no play makes Huck a dull boy"

fail("1: " + msg)
fail("2: " + msg)
fail("3: " + msg)
fail("4: " + msg)
fail("5: " + msg)
fail("6: " + msg)
fail("7: " + msg)
fail("8: " + msg)
fail("9: " + msg)
fail("10: " + msg)

This test case emits 10 times of step failures. the fail(String) is a primitive custom keyword that always fails. You can see the source here.

Now I want to quit a test case as soon as fail(String) was called more than, for example, 3 times.

Please try running the Test Cases/TC2_stopAfterGivenNumberOfFailures :

import static
import com.kazurayam.ksbackyard.KeywordUtilExpander


String msg = "All work and no play makes Huck a dull boy"

fail("1: " + msg)
fail("2: " + msg)
fail("3: " + msg)
fail("4: " + msg)
fail("5: " + msg)
fail("6: " + msg)
fail("7: " + msg)
fail("8: " + msg)
fail("9: " + msg)
fail("10: " + msg)

Please note that a new custom keyword com.kazurayam.ksbackyard.KeywordUtilExpander is introduced. The source code is here. This class employs a bit of Groovy’ Metaprogramming feature. You can find the full documentation here.

When you run the TC2, you will see the following output in the console.

2020-04-17 10:40:08.170 INFO  c.k.katalon.core.main.TestCaseExecutor   - START Test Cases/TC2_stopAfterGivenNumberOfFailures
2020-04-17 10:40:08.829 DEBUG t.TC2_stopAfterGivenNumberOfFailures     - 1: KeywordUtilExpander.stopAfterFailedStepsOf(3)
2020-04-17 10:40:08.890 DEBUG t.TC2_stopAfterGivenNumberOfFailures     - 2: msg = "All work and no play makes Huck a dull boy"
2020-04-17 10:40:08.894 DEBUG t.TC2_stopAfterGivenNumberOfFailures     - 3:"1: " + msg)
2020-04-17 10:40:08.910 ERROR com.kms.katalon.core.util.KeywordUtil    - ❌ 1: All work and no play makes Huck a dull boy
2020-04-17 10:40:08.972 DEBUG t.TC2_stopAfterGivenNumberOfFailures     - 4:"2: " + msg)
2020-04-17 10:40:08.976 ERROR com.kms.katalon.core.util.KeywordUtil    - ❌ 2: All work and no play makes Huck a dull boy
2020-04-17 10:40:08.979 DEBUG t.TC2_stopAfterGivenNumberOfFailures     - 5:"3: " + msg)
2020-04-17 10:40:09.001 ERROR com.kms.katalon.core.util.KeywordUtil    - ❌ 3: All work and no play makes Huck a dull boy
2020-04-17 10:40:09.002 DEBUG t.TC2_stopAfterGivenNumberOfFailures     - 6:"4: " + msg)
2020-04-17 10:40:09.004 ERROR com.kms.katalon.core.util.KeywordUtil    - ❌ 4: All work and no play makes Huck a dull boy
2020-04-17 10:40:09.069 WARN  com.kms.katalon.core.util.KeywordUtil    - Expanded markFiled() detected that 4 steps failed, which exceeds the limit you declared:3
2020-04-17 10:40:09.122 ERROR c.k.katalon.core.main.TestCaseExecutor   - ❌ Test Cases/TC2_stopAfterGivenNumberOfFailures FAILED.
com.kms.katalon.core.exception.StepFailedException: 1: All work and no play makes Huck a dull boy
	at com.kazurayam.ksbackyard.KeywordUtilExpander$_stopAfterFailedStepsOf_closure1.doCall(KeywordUtilExpander.groovy:20)

The test case stops after 3 times of step failure and skips the remaining 7 steps.

∴ Problem is resolved.


The original post mentions consecutive -ness. The above solution disregards it. I prefered simpleness to completeness.


@kazurayam thank you so so much for your assistance! I will check out this solution for sure!!