How to add plugins from pom.xml to build.gradle to migrate from selenium testng project to Katalon

I have the below plugins in my pom.xml for the selenium testng project and I want to import them using the build.gradle in katalon. How do I add them in build.gradle file?

currently I can add
id “org.apache.maven.plugins” version “3.8.1”
but I cannot specify that I need the maven-surefire-plugin under maven.plugins.

Similarly how do I add configurations to any specific plugin like I have in my pom.xml?

org.apache.maven.plugins maven-compiler-plugin 3.8.1 org.apache.maven.plugins maven-javadoc-plugin 3.2.0 org.apache.maven.plugins maven-source-plugin 3.0.1 com.github.m50d aspectj-maven-plugin 1.11.1 org.apache.maven.plugins maven-install-plugin 2.5.2 flatten-maven-plugin org.codehaus.mojo 1.1.0 org.apache.maven.plugins maven-surefire-plugin 2.19.1 -javaagent:${settings.localRepository}/org/aspectj/aspectjweaver/${aspectjrt.version}/aspectjweaver-${aspectjrt.version}.jar com.nickwongdev aspectj-maven-plugin 1.12.1 ${maven.compiler.source} ${} ignore ${} ${} process-sources compile test-compile org.aspectj aspectjtools ${aspectjrt.version} org.eclipse.m2e lifecycle-mapping 1.0.0 org.codehaus.mojo flatten-maven-plugin [1.1.0,) flatten
