How can i get datas from rows

its fixed guys this is the solution if anyone needs it

List<WebElement> rows = WebUI.findWebElements(findTestObject('Object Repository/Home Page/patientList_Row'), 10)

int rowIndex = 1 // Counter variable for row index

// Loop through the rows to extract patient names and surnames
for (int i = 1; i < rows.size(); i++) {
	// Get the current row
	WebElement row = rows.get(i)
	WebElement firstCell = row.findElement(By.xpath(".//div[@data-field='nameSurname']"))
	String columnName = firstCell.getText()

	// Split the column name into patientName and patientSur using space as delimiter
	String[] nameParts = columnName.trim().split("\\s+")
	String patientName = nameParts[0]
	String patientSur = nameParts[1]

	// Print the extracted data to the console
	println("Row $i: patientName=$patientName, patientSur=$patientSur")