Forgot Password

Test Cases/CreateTemEmail FAILED because (of) Unable to click on object ‘Object Repository/Sign up for service provider/Page_Workilo Welcome/signup_ff’ (Root cause: org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotInteractableException: Element could not be scrolled into view

Build info: version: ‘3.7.1’, revision: ‘8a0099a’, time: ‘2017-11-06T21:07:36.161Z’

System info: host: ‘WINCTRL-I1MBNJ3’, ip: ‘’, ‘Windows 8.1’, os.arch: ‘amd64’, os.version: ‘6.3’, java.version: ‘1.8.0_102’

Driver info: com.kms.katalon.core.webui.driver.firefox.CGeckoDriver

Capabilities {acceptInsecureCerts: true, browserName: firefox, browserVersion: 61.0.1, javascriptEnabled: true, moz:accessibilityChecks: false, moz:headless: false, moz:processID: 8964, moz:profile: C:\Users\Asset-192\AppData\…, moz:useNonSpecCompliantPointerOrigin: false, moz:webdriverClick: true, pageLoadStrategy: normal, platform: XP, platformName: XP, platformVersion: 6.3, proxy: Proxy(direct), rotatable: false, timeouts: {implicit: 0, pageLoad: 300000, script: 30000}}

Session ID: 051230ef-6429-4d20-b00a-a08bf010d32a)

@Andrej Podhajský I dnt think it will work in this way, i need to create fresh test case for ff. What do you think?

and in-spite of focusing on ff why should not we focus on finding solution in chrome?? because all my code runs at chrome platform then suddenly i cant change my browser.

there are 2 problems
1. chrome have some problem with those pages - did not analyze that since i dont have time for that now
2. as we fix definitions of objects one-by-one we eventually will have this UseCase running - it will be on FF, but we will have proof that it can be done.

meanwhile we can focuse on problem no.1 why it’s not working on chrome
regards this:

@"Andrej Podhajský" I dnt think it will work in this way, i need to create fresh test case for ff. What do you think?

no, your tests should be running regardless of used browser

Andrej Podhajský said:

there are 2 problems
1. chrome have some problem with those pages - did not analyze that since i dont have time for that now
2. as we fix definitions of objects one-by-one we eventually will have this UseCase running - it will be on FF, but we will have proof that it can be done.

meanwhile we can focuse on problem no.1 why it’s not working on chrome
regards this:

@"Andrej Podhajský" I dnt think it will work in this way, i need to create fresh test case for ff. What do you think?

no, your tests should be running regardless of used browser

Yes If you find the solution then it will be really helpful for me because I cant change browser for only one test case and If I do so then I need to change all my existing test cases which is not possible at present.

Hope you will find the solution . I totally rely on this forum and you guys. Please help me to find the correct solution.


Andrej Podhajský said:

no automation using browser is allowed
check this:
Guerrilla Mail API

this site did not work on automation. I have automated this but did not get anysignle email in email box :frowning:

@Andrej Podhajský I found the solution. what I did, I just combine two test case into one using switchtoindex window

  1. In 1st window tem-email will open and get the mail from that and switch to site url
  2. in site url sign up and forgot psw will done
  3. then it swtich to primary window where it will read the reset psw

But Now I am facing problem that mail content was not read . Also some time due to some loading issue or dont know what window is not getting switch but when I restart the machine then all is working fine.
So basically I have 2 quesstion from you

  1. how to get click on 2nd row of index on tem-email
  2. how to control switch window when page speed is slow or when machine is quite slow.

I hope from your help I can complete this task…

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi ,
I downloaded Katalon tool in windows VM but when I am opening, it is asking for activation credentials, I registered again to the website and used those credentials but it is not accepting. Anybody assist me in this?

Shahbaz said:

Hi ,
I downloaded Katalon tool in windows VM but when I am opening, it is asking for activation credentials, I registered again to the website and used those credentials but it is not accepting. Anybody assist me in this?

Yes, same-thing happened to me, when I try to login with forum. I think it may take few days after installation then it will be all okay.
By the way, for this query you need to raise a new topic :frowning: This is separate topic raised by me so you will hardly get help from any expertise.

Hope this will help you out to sort your problem.
Thanks :slight_smile:

nazneen said:

@Andrej Podhajský I found the solution. what I did, I just combine two test case into one using switchtoindex window

  1. In 1st window tem-email will open and get the mail from that and switch to site url
  2. in site url sign up and forgot psw will done
  3. then it swtich to primary window where it will read the reset psw

But Now I am facing problem that mail content was not read . Also some time due to some loading issue or dont know what window is not getting switch but when I restart the machine then all is working fine.
So basically I have 2 quesstion from you

  1. how to get click on 2nd row of index on tem-email
  2. how to control switch window when page speed is slow or when machine is quite slow.

I hope from your help I can complete this task…

Thanks :slight_smile:

congrant to success
xpath to icon on 1st row to mail detail is
((id(‘mails’)//a[contains(@href, ‘’)])/span)[1]
is that what you want?

Thanks Andrej but still I need your help.
Here is the screenshot what I wants to capture now.

when I run the script , it shows this error:
Test Cases/ForgotPasswordEmail FAILED because (of) Unable to click on object ‘Object Repository/ForgotPassword/a_Workilo’ (Root cause: com.kms.katalon.core.webui.exception.WebElementNotFoundException: Web element with id: ‘Object Repository/ForgotPassword/a_Workilo’ located by ‘By.xpath: id(“mails”)/tbody[1]/tr[3]/td[1]/a[1]’ not found)

and this is my code:

WebUI.waitForElementPresent(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/ForgotPassword/a_Workilo’), currentWindow)

WebUI.waitForElementVisible(findTestObject(‘Object Repository/ForgotPassword/a_Workilo’), currentWindow)‘Object Repository/ForgotPassword/a_Workilo’))


mail xpath 1.png

try to go after text, since it’s at your control

xpath=id('mails')//a[contains(text(),'Reset Your Password')]

Andrej Podhajský said:

try to go after text, since it’s at your control

xpath=id('mails')//a[contains(text(),'Reset Your Password')]

@andrej still found this error:(
Test Cases/ForgotPasswordEmail FAILED because (of) org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerInvocationException: com.kms.katalon.core.webui.exception.WebElementNotFoundException: Web element with id: ‘Object Repository/ForgotPassword/a_Reset Your Password’ located by ‘By.xpath: id(‘mails’)//a[contains(text(),‘Reset Your Password’)]’ not found