Error "Unable to verify match between actual text and Expected text"

fullName = WebUI.getText(findTestObject(‘Page_Regression_All_Controls/actionconcat_FullName’))

WebUI.verifyMatch(fullName, ‘Full Name Content Snippet: Bhavana Rawat​’, false, FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE)

10-29-2018 03:51:27 PM - [FAILED] - Unable to verify match between actual text ‘Full Name Content Snippet: Bhavana Rawat’ and expected text ‘Full Name Content Snippet: Bhavana Rawat​’ (Root cause: Actual text ‘Full Name Content Snippet: Bhavana Rawat’ and expected text ‘Full Name Content Snippet: Bhavana Rawat​’ are not matched)

Can anyone help?

getText does aldo delete of any white space before/after text content of element.
try to use regexp version of verifyMatch() function

WebUI.verifyMatch(fullName, '.*Full Name Content Snippet: Bhavana Rawat.*​', true, FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE)

Hello guys,
I want to verify text of an element of a web page. i’ve used keyword verify element text.
i am unable to pass that test case due to this verifying element text step.
here is the screenshot

pls pls help me …thank you in advance