Error ScrollToText


Can you help me?
Mobile.scrollToText ('String') does not work for text contained at the end of the application page. The bar scrolls to the middle of the page, then goes up and down by itself.

I found that Mobile.scrollToText(‘My Label’) didn’t work well on Android when the drop down list was longer than one screen. It would scroll a bit, then stop, never finding my required item.

To get around this, I had to extend Katalon by creating a Custom Keyword to handle scrolling - this relies on the AppiumDriver library (thanks to Nhi Dinh for the sample code):

Create a new keyword file:

package com.kms.katalon.core.annotation.Keywordimport io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriverimport io.appium.java_client.TouchActionclass swiping {	AppiumDriver driver;	swiping() {		this.driver = MobileDriverFactory.getDriver()	}	private scrollEntireList() {		// very specific to android and the type of element that makes up your dropdowns		ArrayList listElement = driver.findElementsByClassName("android.widget.CheckedTextView")		TouchAction touchAction = new TouchAction(driver)		def bottomElement = listElement[listElement.size() - 1]		def topElement = listElement[0]		// Press and scroll from the last element in the list all the way to the top;	}	@Keyword	def boolean scrollListToElementWithText(String elementText) {		boolean isElementFound = false;		while (isElementFound == false) {			// very specific to android and the type of element that makes up your dropdowns					ArrayList listElement = driver.findElementsByClassName("android.widget.CheckedTextView")			for (int i = 0; i<listElement.size(); i++) {				String textItem = listElement[i].getText()				if (textItem == elementText) {					isElementFound = true;					return true;				}			}			scrollEntireList()		}	}}

Then in your test, you can use the Custom Keyword like:

CustomKeywords.''('My Label')